I understand, everyone has an opinion, but why must opinion be based on hype and speculation? How many of you have actually had a social conversation with either of these gentlemen outside of the emotionally charged circumstances one typically experiences during a racing event? Have you ever just sat and had a drink with them, or conversed with them on a Sunday evening after everything is packed up and they are able to wind down and change over to travel mode? They both deal with huge amounts of stress, both from external sources, and self inflicted. To try and compare them, their actions or their personalities is simply unfair. The only similarities between the two are love of family and racing.
Don has a primary responsibility to his businesses and share holders (if any), and a secondary responsibility to his racing operation. Yes, it is a business, but a business that is borne from simple practicality. True, if DSR folded tomorrow, it would have a huge impact on the racing scene and hundreds of people, but Don, as a man, simply goes on with daily life, his family structure intact.
Should the same happen to John Force, what would happen? The same effect would be felt in the racing world, but what of the Force family? What do they do the next day? Imagine, close the doors at JFR, Again, employees are left to fend for themselves, the same as if it were to happen at DSR, but the effect on family, HUGE. Put yourself in those shoes, it's one thing to let employees down, have to tell them they no longer have a job there, but now, imagine having to tell your entire family, literally every one of them, that they no longer have a job. You failed them and now they are left to fend for themselves. Tell your children, whom you have molded and trained to carry on your legacy, that you failed. There's nothing left............
Remember, these really are humans we are complaining about, comparing to, scrutinizing and outright judging. Imagine for one minute, that you had to tell your family that you failed at the one and only thing you've ever known. As a person, would you even be able to bring yourself to do that? Chances are, you would do just about anything, say just about anything to avoid EVER having to have that conversation. Is John loud, boisterous, a bit over the top sometimes? You bet, but look at what he has to lose. It's not just a hobby, it's not even a job. It is literally his life, his whole life. Family, truck driving and racing, it's all he knows. Think about it.