Feds bust NY Airport Terror Plot (1 Viewer)

Let's hope U.S. prosecutors are a bit more sucessful than their British counterparts on getting these guys to trial... Seems that if this was uncovered in England, these guys would be as good as free in 18 months..:rolleyes:
I thought the U.S. Military were the only terrorists out there? Isn't that what the Flagburner left keep telling us?:rolleyes:
Did anyone happen to catch this little detail:
Defreitas, a 63-year-old Brooklyn resident, first hatched his plan more than a decade ago when he worked as a cargo handler for a service company
Sure makes you wonder how many other traitors we have in our borders that have been working on plots to do us harm.
Brent, the world is FULL of traitors..always has been. Brutus, Judas, the Asp...

This isn't the first pissed off person that also has U.S. citizenship, and damn sure won't be the last- everybody's got some reason to be bent about something EVERYWHERE. I don't think we're habitating Mars yet, so every day is a risk somewhere for all of us.
Just saw here on the local news that Defreitas got some training here in Oregon at Evergreen Aviation in McMinnville.

Another thing I'd forgotten about is the other recent plots that have been stopped in just the past year: Sears Tower plot, NY Tunnel plot and the fresh Fort Dix plot.
I thought the U.S. Military were the only terrorists out there? Isn't that what the Flagburner left keep telling us?:rolleyes:

Speaking of the left, the Kos Kidz finally notice the terror plot:

Daily Kos: State of the Nation
I don’t believe the latest terrorist plot bullsh*t. If this ever goes to trial, and if they show actual evidence that these guys they arrested weren’t just talking trash, I’ll admit I was wrong and apologize for what I’m about to say:

People at Freerepublic and LGF are gullible f*cking morons, bloodthirsty sh*tbags, and weak-willed losers who NEED big brother to tell them what to think, how to act, and who to hate . Of course, most at DK realize that, so I don’t know if this diary is even necessary. Nevertheless, why is it so hard to have a little bit of skepticism when faced with constant lies produced out of D.C.

Here is a list I cribbed from antiwar.com:

Lackawanna Six
Virginia Paintball guys
The tortured Abu Ali
Jose Padilla
Lodi, California
Miami plot against the Sears Tower
New York subway tunnels
“Liquid explosives” plot on UK to US flights
Ft. Dix Six

Thanks to the blog by Scott Horton for the list. I knew there’d been plenty of stupid sh*t busts like this over the last few years, but really...how dumb to you have to be to believe the U.S. government at this point? The U.S. government has ZERO credibility. FDA—failing to protect U.S. consumers, FEMA—catastrophic failure in New Orleans, Iraq War—lies upon lies to get Americans to launch an illegal war of agression, 9-11—failure to prevent what anyone with a lick of sense could see coming for years (ask me why I wasn’t surprised that day—shocked by the massive slaughter, but not the attack), Economy—govt economic figures distorted and made essentially useless, i.e. inflation figures, unemployment data, etc., etc., etc....

Unless something is done to change that lack of credibility via impeachment, or at least a democratic administration/congress that tells the truth occasionally post 2008, it will remain an unbelievable and nauseating purveyor off horsesh*t and unrestrained violence.

The scary part about the numbnut who posted this: he's a teacher. :eek:
From the same blogger:
Howard Dean's infamous scream was a smearjob by the the MSM. As part of a media literacy/critical thinking exercise, I want to demonstrate this fact to my students in freshman composition this fall. I need footage.
Such peaceful, tolerant and accepting people, aren't they? :rolleyes:
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Let's hope U.S. prosecutors are a bit more sucessful than their British counterparts on getting these guys to trial... Seems that if this was uncovered in England, these guys would be as good as free in 18 months..:rolleyes:

If the ACLU gets involved, it could happen. That group has long outlived it's usefulness.
I don't see any bashing. :confused: I see people pointing out the statements and words of some of those on the left.
The Plot to Kill JFK

The Plot To Kill JFK
Posted Monday, June 04, 2007 4:20 PM PT

Homeland Security: The plan to blow up JFK Airport is only the latest in a series of thwarted plots to harm America. The war on terror is real, and it won't fit on a John Edwards bumper sticker.

Haven't heard Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid say "good job." And not a peep out of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama or even Edwards, who dismisses "the war on terror" as just a "bumper-sticker" phrase used to justify the effort in Iraq.

He was probably off getting a haircut when news broke that a plot by four Muslim men to blow up John F. Kennedy International Airport had been thwarted by a vigilant FBI. Once again, the Bush administration connected the dots.

The plot, uncovered with the aid of an informant, was to blow up a jet fuel pipeline that runs through residential neighborhoods in Queens from a facility in Linden, N.J. to JFK. "The devastation that would be caused had this plot succeeded is just unthinkable," U.S. Attorney Roslyn R. Mauskopf said at a news conference.

One of the suspects, Russell Defreitas, a U.S. citizen native to Guyana and retired JFK employee, said the airport was a symbol that would put "the whole country in mourning." On a recording made by the FBI informant, Defreitas said, "They love John F. Kennedy like he's the man. . . . It's like you can kill the man twice."

Also arrested were Kareem Ibrihim of Trinidad and Abdul Kadir. Kadir is a former member of Parliament in Guyana who left his position last year. A fourth man, Abdel Nur of Guyana, was being sought in Trinidad. The men had tried to enlist the support of a radical Trinidadian Muslim group, Jamaat al Muslimeen.

The thwarting of this plot comes about a month after the arrest of the Fort Dix Six — ethnic Albanian Muslims, three of them here illegally. One was a former sniper in the Kosovo army. All had hoped to acquire RPGs and AK-47s to "kill as many soldiers as possible" at the U.S. Army base in New Jersey. One suspect's family owns a pizza parlor near the base and delivered pizzas to the troops.

Once again, the FBI used informants planted in the cell, secretly recording incriminating conversations — the kind of surveillance that groups like the ACLU, CAIR and the Congressional Democratic Caucus are opposed to.
The Fort Dix plot unraveled when an alert New Jersey clerk saw a training video the group wanted burned on a DVD, one showing the group shouting "Allahu Akbar!" ("Allah is great!") as they fired high-powered rifles at practice targets. Luckily, any fears the clerk had of being accused of profiling or racism quickly dissipated.

Early last year, three Ohio men, two of them U.S. citizens, were indicted on charges of conspiring to commit terrorist acts against U.S. forces overseas. Mohammed Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi and Wassim I. Mazloum were charged with conspiring to kill, maim or injure people or damage property in a foreign country and with conspiracy to kill Americans and harboring terrorists.

Amawi, a citizen of both the U.S. and Jordan, ran an agency called the Jerusalem Transportation Corp. El-Hindi owns a Toledo company called European Medical Studies and Services. Mazloum, a senior majoring in computer science engineering at the University of Toledo, operated two car businesses in Toledo with his family.

Terrorists can be anybody. And they can be anywhere. They can be your neighbor.They can be American citizens. This is not a recipe for paranoia or persecution, merely prudence. Fear of being politically incorrect can be deadly.

We recently listed the plots uncovered and thwarted on President Bush's watch. They only hint at what we'd face if we ceased taking the battle to the enemy in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. We may be grateful that George Bush is president and not a Democrat like John Edwards.
The prospects of them causing more than fire damage one place or the other was limited.
Pipelines are full and it takes oxygen to burn.
there are safeguards every so often in case of emergency.
Tankfarm fires have happened many times without loss of life.
Damage to airport facilities which are mostly underground would only result in a call for the specialized tank trucks till repairs could be made.
These are just some more craze's willing to do something/anything to further the cause.
How many more are out there with maybe a smidgen more brains?
One of them is connected to Ben Laden's appointed nuclear guy in charge of his plot to nuke 7 US cities.
He would be a find ! Is he as nuts as these jewels of martyrdom?
Thanks for the discovery and capture but this is another [ even after years of planning ] lame nutted venture like the one to shoot up a well armed Army Fort.
We should be so lucky if we only suffer the effects of this kind of planning.
It was a plot and as such has importance in that we are able to with a break discover them before their plot comes into fruition.
Now if some leftists hadn't given away our intelligence gathering techniques these busts could be done on a regular basis.
They were classic foreign traveling jihadists and much info could have been gathered even the aforementioned guy looking for 7 good nukes.
The prospects of them causing more than fire damage one place or the other was limited.
Pipelines are full and it takes oxygen to burn.
there are safeguards every so often in case of emergency.
Tankfarm fires have happened many times without loss of life.
Damage to airport facilities which are mostly underground would only result in a call for the specialized tank trucks till repairs could be made.
These are just some more craze's willing to do something/anything to further the cause.
How many more are out there with maybe a smidgen more brains?
One of them is connected to Ben Laden's appointed nuclear guy in charge of his plot to nuke 7 US cities.
He would be a find ! Is he as nuts as these jewels of martyrdom?
Thanks for the discovery and capture but this is another [ even after years of planning ] lame nutted venture like the one to shoot up a well armed Army Fort.
We should be so lucky if we only suffer the effects of this kind of planning.
It was a plot and as such has importance in that we are able to with a break discover them before their plot comes into fruition.
Now if some leftists hadn't given away our intelligence gathering techniques these busts could be done on a regular basis.
They were classic foreign traveling jihadists and much info could have been gathered even the aforementioned guy looking for 7 good nukes.

I sure as heck don't want them to explode in order to find out if what you wrote is true. I'll just go with the worst case scenario thanks. As we all should. Downplaying a plot such as this is a very serious mistake
That's right Jackee , always cover the bases.
We won't always be so blessed or lucky .
I didn't mean to demean the bust just the perps, cause we may not know everything anyway.
To not 'err on the side of caution' these days is likely to cause the death of untold amounts of people.

What is more frightening to me then the terrorists is Americans who simply DO NOT GET IT. Terrorism is just a 'bumper sticker phrase'.
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