Yes, the top element came off. The car got a bit sideways on him.I didn't record it so I can't replay it to check...but did part of his wing come apart just as he crossed the finish line? I saw pieces flying and it looked like the top element was gone but I'm not positive.
I just looked at it a second time... and top element and both side plates completely gone... man he got lucky... good thing ESPN looked at it again...... great coverage guys....
from DRC:I was sure it was Fullers wing that came apart?. Wasn't Fuller in the perfered left lane (head on shot in right half of screen)
If you slow down the video you can see several white things flying across behind the car. Not sure what they are?
Just as he came through the lights the top element and both spill plates came off of the wing.I didn't see any thing. What happened?
I didn't see any thing. What happened? I saw Doug loses then my hubby and Son changed to the world ser. game.