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Another reason for the "Perfect Storm" of Top Fuel Exodus.

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The same concerns exist in the Arab world, which is not monolithic. Qatar and the UAE are quite different from Saudi Arabia and different from Gaza. Their are many Muslims in that part of the world that are concerned that contact with the West will let the genie out of the bottle. Once out, it cannot be gotten back in.
Of course, not every Muslim that comes in contact with Western culture will become "Westernized." However, there are Muslims in many places around the world who do not strap suicide belts on before entering pizza parlors. There are divisions within the Muslim world, some religious, some ethnic, some inexplicable. One of the great political fears in the Arab world is that Iran wants to control the Arab world. The Iranian population includes some Arabs but the dominant population are the non-Arab Persians. Iran is Shi'a, much of the Arab world is Sunni. They have many religious differences of which I am aware but lack the expertise to describe respectfully.

What you're saying is that Islam is a lot like virtually every other major religion -- there are many different variations on a theme. And every religion has their extremist nutjobs: there are passionately crazy Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, and on and on. A lot of people equate Islam with "muslim extremist", but that's just as silly as thinking every Christian is a KKK member.

We should all be celebrating every new sponsor in this sport, even more so one who commits 8-digits a year to it, and even more so with the sponsor exodus we're seeing this year.
"ANY sponsor coming into the sport only sees dollars and cents, return on investment, position in the marketplace ... you know PRACTICAL THINGS."

You say that WHILE the sports newest and biggest sponsor is exactly NOT that? That's what I'm saying. The biggest sponsorship contract to be signed was obviously NOT for return on investment. See if there are any more out there like him who would like to go heads up.

I'm not saying they're our enemy but, the old saying "My enemy's enemy is my friend"? Play them against each other and drag racing could benefit. What's more patriotic than bringing our money home? It's exporting of services if the money comes from somewhere else, even if the services are performed here.

The question posed by the original poster is "What company would want to come in NHRA and do business against AJ backed by Al Anabi?"

My response was that companies are not looking at tuners or other sponsor monies directly. The company's primary concern are correct financial goals. If they can find a program that meets their expectations and financial objectives, they will come in NHRA.

I personally don't care where the money comes from.
I guess I'll take one more stab at this.
I have had a good time watching this thread drive off into the proverbial "sand trap"... From Rob Zombie to terrorism to Dubai's chamber of commerce.
Look, it's not about religion. I don't care what someone's faith is. Is it OK that I don't believe?

It's about a potential competitive monopoly from a source that doesn't inspire competition.
It's about driving off someone who may be on the fence between investing into the NHRA, or going somewhere else to develop their ROI where the conditions are better and where it's more beneficial. Where it's more "Americana" in times when people are worried about their jobs at home, and want to support their American brothers and sisters.

Personally, I see NOTHING good from an Al Anabi monopoly.
Nothing but a little band-aid for the short term that will hemmorage later..
These people will play with us and play with their billions, and as fast as they drew an interest, they will leave for their next new "fun" thing to do when they become bored standing on the starting line..
I see nothing genuine.
I see nothing that benefits any of the other sponsors, teams or drivers.
I see this as a quick influx of foreign cash into Alan's pocket from someone who needs a new "thing" to play with for the next couple of years. (Nothing against alan, I would take the deal too).
I see no growth potential, except maybe the sheik will want to play in Funny car also.
I see no potential to draw the motorhead public out to see the Shiek and his dominating toy dragster.
There is just something special when a hard working corporation is represented on the side of a race car, against their business competitors who are in the same boat. Add in an oil billionaire who has a daily cloud that rains billions in cash down on a bad day against Adavnce Auto Parts or Castrol GTX is just sad and wrong. Legal and definitely their right.

Sorry guys & gals.
We all have our opinions and this is mine.
I say we revisit it within three years and we'll see who was right.
My cash is on me.
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You don't know the guy, don't know the team, don't know if they will "dominate", heck, they haven't even made a single pass in testing let alone at an event, but you're already condemning them. That is the definition of the word "prejudice".
You don't know the guy, don't know the team, don't know if they will "dominate", heck, they haven't even made a single pass in testing let alone at an event, but you're already condemning them. That is the definition of the word "prejudice".

OK, call me prejudice because I am certainly pre-judging what I see coming, But prejudice is a harsh word......
I call this "respect" for those involved. A motorhead monopoly.
I think anybody with a simple mind can add up this recipe to see what it will produce...
Here are the ingredients:

1000' strip.
Alan Johnson and Larry Dixon.
(Guess who is unstoppable in 1000'?)
An unlimited budget.
Do you disagree?

Hmmmm It's going to be a tough year on Alan to deal with this......
OK, call me prejudice because I am certainly pre-judging what I see coming, But prejudice is a harsh word......
I call this "respect" for those involved. A motorhead monopoly.
I think anybody with a simple mind can add up this recipe to see what it will produce...
Here are the ingredients:

1000' strip.
Alan Johnson and Larry Dixon.
(Guess who is unstoppable in 1000'?)
An unlimited budget.
Do you disagree?

Hmmmm It's going to be a tough year on Alan to deal with this......

Dude.. you are cracking me up! .. lol ....the Alanabi guys are no different than any other person or company being involved with a sport they love... why is Connie stil here... he loves it... why did Oakley come in?.. the Doc loved it..Doc's out of Oakley.. so they will be gone soon....

its happened thru out the years in all forms of motorsports and it will continue to....

Heck.... i hit the lottery.. wait and see what i Then will that mean that over weight southern red necks will be ruining the sport then?

Most racers .. professional racers i know in many forms of motorsports all tell me the same thing..... they are "Whores for cash"... take a buck any where they can to go racing..... AJ just happen to hit the jackpot of the funded side ..... Good Luck to him and his new deal.....

I guess I'll take one more stab at this.
I have had a good time watching this thread drive off into the proverbial "sand trap"... From Rob Zombie to terrorism to Dubai's chamber of commerce.
Look, it's not about religion. I don't care what someone's faith is. Is it OK that I don't believe?

It's about a potential competitive monopoly from a source that doesn't inspire competition.
It's about driving off someone who may be on the fence between investing into the NHRA, or going somewhere else to develop their ROI where the conditions are better and where it's more beneficial. Where it's more "Americana" in times when people are worried about their jobs at home, and want to support their American brothers and sisters.

Personally, I see NOTHING good from an Al Anabi monopoly.
Nothing but a little band-aid for the short term that will hemmorage later..
These people will play with us and play with their billions, and as fast as they drew an interest, they will leave for their next new "fun" thing to do when they become bored standing on the starting line..
I see nothing genuine.
I see nothing that benefits any of the other sponsors, teams or drivers.
I see this as a quick influx of foreign cash into Alan's pocket from someone who needs a new "thing" to play with for the next couple of years. (Nothing against alan, I would take the deal too).
I see no growth potential, except maybe the sheik will want to play in Funny car also.
I see no potential to draw the motorhead public out to see the Shiek and his dominating toy dragster.
There is just something special when a hard working corporation is represented on the side of a race car, against their business competitors who are in the same boat. Add in an oil billionaire who has a daily cloud that rains billions in cash down on a bad day against Adavnce Auto Parts or Castrol GTX is just sad and wrong. Legal and definitely their right.

Sorry guys & gals.
We all have our opinions and this is mine.
I say we revisit it within three years and we'll see who was right.
My cash is on me.

No need for an apology George I respect your opinion but the deal is for five years and the money has already been deposited so you might want to change your 3 year prediction. ;):p
I might be wrong but Alan won last year and if he wins again this year with a different team whats the difference , he still wins either way !
That other team will still be out there competing so that makes a net gain of one team.
At this point I would say that's good.
Drag Racing has had ambitions of becoming a true International Sport so International Money coming to compete at its core facilities using the very best of everything will attract attention at a time when advertising dollars are scarce.
Here are the ingredients:

1000' strip.
Alan Johnson and Larry Dixon.
(Guess who is unstoppable in 1000'?)
An unlimited budget.
Do you disagree?

Yep, sorry. AJ is missing two key components from the last few years: Tony and the team.

Tony became a rock solid driving machine who clearly had an excellent working relationship with AJ in the last few years. While Larry is an excellent driver, who knows what the chemistry will be with AJ.

And the Army team was a complete machine, never making a mistake. While AJ took some folks, he didn't take the whole team. As anyone who builds teams for a living will tell you, even the slightest change can upset an excellent team. New surroundings, new team members, even new equipment can change the magic. Al-Anabi has a lot of new components to meld into a team.

So, while I agree the Al-Anabi team has every reason to be wildly successful, I don't think its the sure thing that you seem to. I'm not prejudging anything... ;)
Yep, sorry. AJ is missing two key components from the last few years: Tony and the team.

Tony became a rock solid driving machine who clearly had an excellent working relationship with AJ in the last few years. While Larry is an excellent driver, who knows what the chemistry will be with AJ.

And the Army team was a complete machine, never making a mistake. While AJ took some folks, he didn't take the whole team. As anyone who builds teams for a living will tell you, even the slightest change can upset an excellent team. New surroundings, new team members, even new equipment can change the magic. Al-Anabi has a lot of new components to meld into a team.

So, while I agree the Al-Anabi team has every reason to be wildly successful, I don't think its the sure thing that you seem to. I'm not prejudging anything... ;)

I agree with half of what you said.

The team that AJ had around him was flawless.
They quite simply MADE NO MISTAKES and Alan himself was the master.

However, Tony Schumacher is no Larry Dixon. JMHO

Alan will run a tight ship for sure. Al Anabi will be a scarey team.
Yep, sorry. AJ is missing two key components from the last few years: Tony and the team.

Tony became a rock solid driving machine who clearly had an excellent working relationship with AJ in the last few years. While Larry is an excellent driver, who knows what the chemistry will be with AJ.

And the Army team was a complete machine, never making a mistake. While AJ took some folks, he didn't take the whole team. As anyone who builds teams for a living will tell you, even the slightest change can upset an excellent team. New surroundings, new team members, even new equipment can change the magic. Al-Anabi has a lot of new components to meld into a team.

So, while I agree the Al-Anabi team has every reason to be wildly successful, I don't think its the sure thing that you seem to. I'm not prejudging anything... ;)

I hate to break it to you but the team that won the last five championships in Top Fuel is now the Al-Anabi's T/F team minus Tony Schumacher and Larry is more than a sufficent replacement!
That's why at Team Schumacher Corey's entire team has been made Tony's new team. That complete machine you just mentioned is completely in tacked. ;) :eek:
No need for an apology George I respect your opinion but the deal is for five years and the money has already been deposited so you might want to change your 3 year prediction. ;):p

I still predict three years.
I don't know the Al-Anabi organization and I do not begin to pretend that I know them. They may be A+++. I hope everybody realizes that I am NOT condemning them at all because I know nothing about them.
This is just my opinion from what I see happening.
It's the "Big Picture I'm looking at here folks"
I can understand how most people look at my opinion as crazy. After all, it's a big infusion of cash into AJ's pockets and another solid deal on the race track.
My concerns are only this. I am just looking at the colateral damage of this pairing, and how it will affect others in these hard times.. The economic timing is just horrible, and there will be fall out.

I sincerely hope our new friends from Qatar are genuine, and have a genuine love and stamina for the sport. Moreover in this critical time, I hope they are as concerned about the rest of the kids in the sand box as I am. A very unusal request I know, but these are unusual times for the NHRA and the world.. That's all I'm saying. And I hope I am wrong about what I see, but as my thread started to say, I just don't see this as good news for attracting and keeping other sponsors to the NHRA if they are going up against a motorhead monopoly like this.
I still believe that and I think it will become clear as time passes.

PLEASE, don't compare the Sheik to Connie Kalitta, Billy. Connie has been here forever, helped build what we enjoy on the tour. It's a very select group. Connie, Snake and a few others in that select catagory "are" drag racing's foundation right now, and not to be confused with someone who is recently buying in...
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I hate to break it to you but the team that won the last five championships in Top Fuel is now the Al-Anabi's T/F team minus Tony Schumacher and Larry is more than a sufficent replacement!

So let's save a whole lot of time/money/trouble and just award them the trophy before the first race is run... :rolleyes:
PLEASE, don't compare the Sheik to Connie Kalitta, Billy. Connie has been here forever, helped build what we enjoy on the tour. It's a very select group. Connie, Snake and a few others in that select catagory "are" drag racing's foundation right now, and not to be confused with someone who is recently buying in...

Um.. why not its my opinion.. as yours is...for your comments...... the Shiek is someone that just discovered the sport and is here to enjoy it.. and a few racers will benifit from it... for how long who knows... its up to him.....

Maybe you would fill better if someone from Sam Waltons (Wal-Mart founder)family just discovered drag racing ..came in and raped it and put everyone out of business...using their business format in drag racing...get all they can and drive everyone else out....???

Anyone remember JD Stacy?... he went in to NASCAR bought several teams..sponsored several more... and gave many people a chance that never would have gotten one while he was in Cup racing.....several drivers and team members went on to do great things later in the sport.... at the time everyone hated him for "just buying in"....

this could do the same here....could very well be a resurgance in Dels racing career...

I still predict three years.
I don't know the Al-Anabi organization and I do not begin to pretend that I know them. They may be A+++. I hope everybody realizes that I am NOT condemning them at all because I know nothing about them.
This is just my opinion from what I see happening.
It's the "Big Picture I'm looking at here folks"
I can understand how most people look at my opinion as crazy. After all, it's a big infusion of cash into AJ's pockets and another solid deal on the race track.
My concerns are only this. I am just looking at the colateral damage of this pairing, and how it will affect others in these hard times.. The economic timing is just horrible, and there will be fall out.

I sincerely hope our new friends from Qatar are genuine, and have a genuine love and stamina for the sport. Moreover in this critical time, I hope they are as concerned about the rest of the kids in the sand box as I am. A very unusal request I know, but these are unusual times for the NHRA and the world.. That's all I'm saying. And I hope I am wrong about what I see, but as my thread started to say, I just don't see this as good news for attracting and keeping other sponsors to the NHRA if they are going up against a motorhead monopoly like this.
I still believe that and I think it will become clear as time passes.

PLEASE, don't compare the Sheik to Connie Kalitta, Billy. Connie has been here forever, helped build what we enjoy on the tour. It's a very select group. Connie, Snake and a few others in that select catagory "are" drag racing's foundation right now, and not to be confused with someone who is recently buying in...

I get what your saying George and he possibly could lose interest but wither he does or doesn't, that team is fully funded for the next five years, the money is in Alan's team account so it's locked in for 5 years that is why I guess Larry felt it worth his wild to buy out of his contract it’s basically a guaranteed 5 year deal.
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