Nitro Member
You all have missed my point completely. If you knew me, you would know I am certainly not a feminist supported or anything of the such. I love the way beautiful women look just like any other guy. My ONLY concern is an NHRA race is supposed to be a family event...where the young and old can come and enjoy the racing, not perv over women's bodies. I have young kids, and if we were at this race and heard the snake say that, I would have been mortified that they heard it...especially my daughter. We must set a good example for our children starting from when they are young and show them that women are not just objects of sexual interest for men.
(hold back on the negative responses, I've heard enough male chauvinism)
I'm going to try not to be negative but....
This "shield our children" crap is the reason why kids these days end up having s-e-x at 15 and babies at 16.