Also, anyone who thinks Hillary never secured money for Ken Black's team doesn't know the facts. Back when she was driving for him, I spoke with her grandfather, Connie Will and asked why they never had any sponsorship on the car. He said that's exactly what Ken Black wanted. He said that several times, when the economy was better, Hillary had approached him about companies she had found that wanted to be involved financially with KB Racing. Connie said that Ken told her, "When you have a sponsor, you need to answer to someone when things don't go right. But by doing it my way, we don't answer to anyone but me". But when the bottom dropped out of the economy, KB himself took a huge hit, as did everyone else who thought they were invincible (doesn't anyone remember David Powers Racing?) and thought otherwise, but by then it was too late. All the companies KB personally turned down were cutting back and nobody had money to spend for a T/F operation and they parked the car. Even then, they kept Hillary on the payroll so she could try to secure sponsorship, which she tried to every single day, but money was so tight there was none to be had so eventually she was let go. Hindsight is 20/20 and all, but for anyone to say Hillary sat on her butt and waited for the world to come knocking at her door is just 100% wrong.