Did Wally want 1000' racing? (1 Viewer)

We went to 1000’ for the extra space to stop. We have still had (slower) cars go off the end of the track and kill the driver (Mark Niver). We had a driver almost killed a few months ago here in Tucson going off the end of the track wide open. There have been pit golf cart accidents that have killed people (very slow speed). To me the issue isn’t so much the speed as it is the ability to stop. We need a better way to slow these cars down after the finish line. I want to see a 400mph run in the 1/4 mile some day. I believe we can do that safely if we wanted to. We also need to remember that we will never be able to make this sport totally safe. There will always be inherent danger for all involved.
Sadly, I was st Seattle when Mark Niver was killed. But that was in Alcohol Dragster that still runs to 1/4 mile. And Seattle has one of the longer shutdown areas. Nick is correct about the ability to stop. After that tragedy, NHRA mandated that the Alcohol cars have the same brakes as the fuel cars.
Quarter mile fuel racing is not coming back.
The cars now are running incredible e.t.s and speeds in 1000 ft.
Goodyear is not going to do the R&D necessary to build a tire for 350+ mph.
And I imagine NHRA’s insurance company won’t go for it.
The team owners don’t want it either.
Just be glad the big show hasn’t gone to 1/8 mile.
I tried watching some 1/8th mile racing from Tulsa last week on MAVTV.
I watched two runs and changed the channel.
Ted, there are a few tracks that run (gasp) 1/16th of a mile. Saw video on U Tube. Small track but they had a crowd of spectators & a good number of cars. Track was narrow.
Hmmmm, so how fast is a T/F car running at 330 ft? Around 250? Lessee, 250 at 330' and 300 at the 1/8 and 340 +- at 1000'.........
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