Congrats to Cruz (1 Viewer)

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Nitro Member
Nov 10, 2007
Avondale, Az
Congrats to Cruz on a hard fought win!

Also, he must of really enjoyed driving the N/FC since he stated he was going to build one with a Joe Pisano theme.
Yeah 'great' win by the 'low budget' 'SINGLE' car team amongst all those big 'budget' cars! Such a good win! I'm surprised we didn't hear that spill again.

Is it just me, or has the Cruzer become a bit of a tosser?? I didn't mind the guy in the past, but some of the crap he's spilled this year.... And if he wins the championship, it will be a JOKE, just like his brothers crowning last year!!!

The clowndown, work hard all season, then let the lucky pickings, YES I SAID LUCKY PICKINGS!!! Grab a couple at the end and try steal a championship.... NHRA.... what a joke!

Yeah 'great' win by the 'low budget' 'SINGLE' car team amongst all those big 'budget' cars! Such a good win! I'm surprised we didn't hear that spill again.

Is it just me, or has the Cruzer become a bit of a tosser?? I didn't mind the guy in the past, but some of the crap he's spilled this year.... And if he wins the championship, it will be a JOKE, just like his brothers crowning last year!!!

The clowndown, work hard all season, then let the lucky pickings, YES I SAID LUCKY PICKINGS!!! Grab a couple at the end and try steal a championship.... NHRA.... what a joke!


What is your problem? Everyone knows the system and it is all about peeking at the right time. No matter what verbal vomit comes out of your mouth Tony will be the 2007 Champ and if Cruz out points the field in Pomona he will be the champ. Michael, I didn't realize you were in first grade calling drivers names, "tosser"? Grow up! The only joke is you crying about something you have no control over. It is a shame you have resorted name calling to release your frustration. I wish Tim well, but the points system is what governs all the teams and the points will fall where they will. If you want to b*tch about the points system, take a look at the ADRL or the proposed IHRA points system.

Back to the point of this thread, congrats to Cruz and Rahn! You guys are peeking at the right time. If Tim can't win the title, I am rooting for you. Good luck in Pomona!
What is your problem? Everyone knows the system and it is all about peeking at the right time. No matter what verbal vomit comes out of your mouth Tony will be the 2007 Champ and if Cruz out points the field in Pomona he will be the champ. Michael, I didn't realize you were in first grade calling drivers names, "tosser"? Grow up! The only joke is you crying about something you have no control over. It is a shame you have resorted name calling to release your frustration. I wish Tim well, but the points system is what governs all the teams and the points will fall where they will. If you want to b*tch about the points system, take a look at the ADRL or the proposed IHRA points system.

Back to the point of this thread, congrats to Cruz and Rahn! You guys are peeking at the right time. If Tim can't win the title, I am rooting for you. Good luck in Pomona!


I understand how it works, and you know, I started to live with it, but it really does not pay any respect to ones hard work all season long! I mean imagine if Tony Schumacher lost the championship this year, are you going to tell me that's fair? Hey it's not over yet, and I hope Tim does bounce back, because he really deserves this championship!!!

Yes Cruz got the job done today, and in Richmond, and he's peaking at the right time, actually has been for a bit now! Yes maybe I shouldn't have called Cruzer a tosser, my bad, frustration? Yes. Name calling? Lame! Ill leave it at that.

Countdown still sucks Paul! :p

Not meaning to add more "spirit" to this conversation and believe me, I like Cruz, but you have to admit, he did draw out of the luck bank the first two rounds. However, during the last two rounds, he was the best car, regardless of how he got there. What he did to Force and Hight was stunning. He's going to be tough to beat in Pomona. I hope Wilk gets it though.

Like last year, all I can say is, watch out for drivers named Pedregon at Vegas 2.
I'm really not a proponent or opponent of the Countdown because it is what it is..........but I never really hear people complain about the NFL, NBA, etc...playoff NFL team can go 16-0, 15-1, 14-2, etc.........have the best regular season record and can lose the first playoff game and not win a championship......really don't hear people complain that that team got robbed by the playoff is what it is.
Well, I just got home from Vegas2.
That F/C final was frickin sweet!!!
Congrats to Cruz, Rahn and the crew!!
Beautiful 4.09!!!

Me and a few other people were cheerin' and partying. :D

The clowndown doesn't merit or dignify a comment.
Ah, damn. I just commented on it, didn't I ?
I'm really not a proponent or opponent of the Countdown because it is what it is..........but I never really hear people complain about the NFL, NBA, etc...playoff NFL team can go 16-0, 15-1, 14-2, etc.........have the best regular season record and can lose the first playoff game and not win a championship......really don't hear people complain that that team got robbed by the playoff is what it is.

The worst team will not be battling out with the number 1 team(and I'm just using the stick n ball teams as an example)
The clowndown, work hard all season, then let the lucky pickings, YES I SAID LUCKY PICKINGS!!! Grab a couple at the end and try steal a championship.... NHRA.... what a joke!


I'm with you Michael V. Cruz didn't take the points lead from Wilk, the clowndown did.
Nothing against Cruz, under this system, (such as it is) Cruz is the point leader. One race to go.
The clowndown, work hard all season, then let the lucky pickings, YES I SAID LUCKY PICKINGS!!! Grab a couple at the end and try steal a championship.... NHRA.... what a joke!


Forget Wilk & Cruz, Robert is back in it!!

JFR all the Way!!!!!!!!
The worst team will not be battling out with the number 1 team(and I'm just using the stick n ball teams as an example)

It's obviously different in racing than in the team sports. But I think the point being made is that a team that just qualifies for the postseason/chase/countdown, can put together a run and win the title. Look at the NFL, the last three Super Bowl champs have struggled big time during the middle of the season, got their act together late to make the playoffs, then made a run to the title.
I think it's kind of neat if Cruz can pull this off and make it back-to-back titles for the Pedregon bros. But whoever wins, more power to them, whether, Wilk earns it back, or if Robert or Tony P can pull off a miracle and win it.
Look at the NFL, the last three Super Bowl champs have struggled big time during the middle of the season, got their act together late to make the playoffs, then made a run to the title.
There isn't any way to compare the countdown to any other sport (except Nascar)..unless you had the NHRA broken down into 4 different divisions. North, South, East & West..then the best Pro's from each division would have a countdown to decide. The way it is now cheapens the sport, IMO.
All I want to say is that every team knows the new countdown program. They do actually have a choice to participate or not, wether they like it or not. Anyone who is a fan also has a choice to remain a fan or not. I'm not particularily happy with the countdown format as it is netiher, but it is what it is. No matter who wins the championship they win under the format that everyone signed up for. I like being a fan enough to see past that, even if it means the guy I wanted to win didn't.

One other note, Cruzer & Tony might not be "single car teams" but they are also not like the "multi-car teams" that they are racing against. Pedregons each own their respective team & share resources & info. This is very different than one person owning both/all the teams & having one team lose to another if they need to.

I sure hope you all don't turn against Wilk next year when he begins his alliance with Bobby T. Of course, some probably believe the only reason Tim done so well this year was because of his partnership with DPR. Either way, win or lose, Tim done well this season. Great for him.

Bottom line, if you don't like the way the sport is going, stop being a fan or just say you don't like it. Let's not say any of these guys (or gals) don't deserve it just because we thought it should have been someone else under some other format.
congrats to cruz, his team and advanced auto parts;
and also to robert, his team and AAA of so. cal.
can't say FC won't have an exciting finish in pomona.
can't say FC won't have an exciting finish in pomona.
Yes it will be, Mike! Hoping either Cruz or Hight will wind up with the title. Congrats to both those guys for a great FC final yesterday. Looking forward to being in Pomona to watch it all unfold!
Yeah, I cheered when Cruz won last night. When I interviewed him (and Tony at the suggestion of the Maters, btw) in 2006 all that AAP car could do was catch fire, it seemed. I have found that NHRA drivers in general are the best professional sports types to interview time after time and no one was more generous with his time than Cruz was with his time when I interviewed him 2 1/2 years ago.

I'm not going to touch any of the other discussion with a 10 foot pole.

Having interviewed Tim Wilkerson earlier this year and finding him to be an awfully great guy and good interview, too, I must admit I am torn. First I cheered then I was like, aw damn it!

Congrats to Cruz on his first back to back race wins in 14 years. He's had his struggles in recent years and it seems like he's found the right combination with Rahn.

That all being said, I can't wait until next weekend, it's gonna be a helluva race as it usually is and no matter what happens there's gonna be a lot of buzz around here.
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