Computer Help (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Jul 8, 2006
Lathrop CA
We started having problems with our computer at home yesterday, very suddenly...

A program my wife uses to transfer pics from her camera to the PC is not working, and is saying we need to go the preferences ta and set the auto start. For some reason the pics won't transfer.

The PC started shutting off yesterday. At random times, it will just shut down. This morning, we turned it on, and within a couple minutes it had shut it self off.

Any ideas????
If the PC is randomly shutting off (not just rebooting itself), you may have a hardware issue on your hands. Best thing to do is to boot to the BIOS (when your PC boots up, it'll give a specific key to enter setup) and leave it there for 30 minutes or so (don't change anything!!). If it shuts off, you'll need a new power supply or mainboard.

As for the camera, when she plugs it in, nothing happens? Or does she have to just do it manually now? Personally, I was never a fan of using the camera to transfer the pics. Just buy a card reader for 20 bucks and be done with it. it a fairly new PC? Windows XP? Service Pack 2?

The reason I ask is that there is a virus that displays that behavior as well as Sam's explanation.
We have a card reader, but often she plugs into the USB and transfers them directly into a program real quick.

The computer is around 4 years old, Windows XP, not sure about the service pack. Our Anti-Virus hasn't detected anything lately.
I don't think I ever heard of a virus that causes a PC to randomly shut off. Think about it... viruses WANT the PC to be on so it can do it's dirty work.
I've thought about it Sam..and I've dealt with 100's of PC's infected with the Blaster Worm..which brings up a dialog stating that the computer will turn off in so many seconds.

Is there a dialog box associated with the shut down, Alan? If it just shuts down without any kind of warning..follow Sam's advice about booting into the BIOS.
Ah yes, the Blaster worm. It gave an "NT system authority" message or some sh*t like that saying your PC needed to shut down in 40 seconds. Wasn't working at my call center when that virus hit but one of my supervisors was telling me at one point we had a queue of about 600 waiting to talk to us to get rid of it. :eek:

Sounds like Alan's issue is the PC just shuts off without any warning, though.
Power supply?? Is that something in the computer itself? If it needs the power supply or mainboard, is it worth doing that or better to replace the CPU?
Power supply resides within the case.

I've also seen bad memory display this behavior.

These days it's just about cheaper to replace than repair..unless you can find a small computer shop willing to check it out.
We had new memory installed last year and didn't have any issues until Sunday.

Anti-Virus is up to date, we are using AVG free edition.
OK, it is only coming on for maybe a few seconds before shutting down, not even long enough to go into safe mode.

Should I take it in to Geek Squad, or take it out, shoot it, and replace it???
Plug the tower directly into the wall. If it continues to shut off a couple of seconds after turning it on, then you need a new power supply.

What brand is it? If it's a Dell you'll need to go through them and you'll pay an arm a leg and three toes. Most manufacturers use the ATX form factor and those power supplies can be had for around ~$50 for a decent one (400 watts and up...).
Alan - log on to They have a huge help section and there may be a franchise in your area. Some Data Doctors stores offer a free evaluation of your computer.
If I plug it directly in the wall and it stays on, is the surge protector maybe bad? If so, wouldn't other stuff on the surge protector act up?

BTW, it's a Gateway...
My suggestion, buy a new one! :p

I was going to buy a new one for my office but turns out Activant Solutions doesn't have Triad compatible with Vista and AllData was questionable and I didn't want to go through all the trouble of buying a unit just to back date it to XP, so I sold a computer to myself that I'd been given.
Geez, Alan..I can't believe it's takiing 19 posts to get to this..

Here's the deal..step by step:

Plug the computer directly into the wall socket.

1. If you know how to get into the BIOS ..try that. (don't be just means Basic Input Output System).

At intial bootup you'll see a screen that gives you the keys to get into the BIOS..(It says Setup on the screen..usually F2..or DELETE)..but you need to see that and it happens quickly. If you see the keys but miss it..remember them..hold the power button in until the computer shuts off and go through the process again..hit the keys during bootup..until you see a black screen with writing on it..which is the BIOS. If you can get there..just leave it..and like Sam said..if it shuts off then..we definitely have a Power Supply issue.

2. If you get past step 1...and it doesn't shut off..while you're in the BIOS..hit F10..either choice works..and just try to start it up. If it gets halfway through and quits..or stays lit up for just a couple of minutes..go to step 3.

3. Well now..from a tech support standpoint..we're looking at going from least to worse..unless you're working for a factory.

If you get by the BIOS test..and it tries to bootup..I would start at memory first..which is the cheapest. You need a geek friend that has memory laying around (where do you live?) you can try a different Memory stick. If different Memory displays the same cheapest is Power Supply..and we just go from there.

A friend..or a good shop would fix this..and do it right cheaply..if we're not looking at a Motherboard issue.

Like I said can by a nice unit for 5-600$..with a warranty if the need arises.
plugged directly into wall.....turned on....shuts off immediately. Can't even get to opportunity to start up in safe mode.

Take to Geek Squad or replace...................................................
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