Nitro Member
I dont think kloeber is coming back,to bad bc with a nice budget i think he would do quite wellfrom 2015 thru 2020, cruz finished 9th once, 10th twice, 11th once, and 12th twice ....... then went 7th, 6th, and 9th w/JC and crew the last three years.
it's been widely commented on previously, cruz struggles to keep crew chiefs. no clue who he mite get for next year.
from 2015 thru 2021, clay finished an average of 8th, with a high of 3rd, and low of 11th ....... Jim-O came aboard 3/22 and team has finished 8th and 11th,
but the subtraction of points in ennis would have put the team finishing 7th or 8th ........ i'm a big kloeber fan, and wish he wouldn't have left, but unless he returns, i think Jim-O stays.