Nitro Member
Patented A. Loder thread hijack coming--watch the master and learn, glasshoppa!Yeah...wait...where are Kelly's pictures??? Do they involve duct tape?? Answers please!!!!!!!
Patented A. Loder thread hijack coming--watch the master and learn, glasshoppa!Yeah...wait...where are Kelly's pictures??? Do they involve duct tape?? Answers please!!!!!!!
Now how the hell did I get dragged into this? LMAO!
So let's get this thread back to what it was supposed to be....how many pancakes DOES it take to shingle a doghouse???
I understand why NHRA did what they did. And I don't disagree with their justification. It's the contast blowing of smoke how things they did are going to make things better for everyone that gets my dander up.
Alan, did you get the pics????? Never know about D-4!!!!
Pics!!!! Where are the pics??!!!!!
this is the post you were agreeing with.
I don't understand why anyone should hurt our environment. So, if the fact that I like to recycle and take care of my land makes me an "Idiot Environmentalist" well then so be it!
I am going to go home and hug all of my trees too!
You have misunderstood the reasons for my rant and the meanings behind it. I recycle and take care of my land too. That does not make anyone an idiot environmentalist.
Groups like the Sierra Club are who I'm talking about. When these groups influence politicians to take measures concerning the environment that are idiotic,
I work in drag racing as a private contractor. I received a raise this year - a badly needed raise - as I was seriously considering a career change unless my wages could adequately pay my bills. Guess what? The higher costs for plane tickets and gas for rentals cars due to rising fuel prices have pretty much eaten up the extra money in many of my paychecks. When decisions made that don't make environmental sense directly affect me and those I work around, it pisses me off!
Bob your right on. And now they are using the global warming hoax to put the polar bear on the threatened spieces list. So that means they can limit our driving down here on the lower 48 because we are hurting the polar bears. I've personally seem how these nazis have used the endangered species list to destroy the logging industry which have hurt working families and towns all over Oregon. I'll bew honest and say it. These eco groups that sues the government and collects the attorneys fees is my enemy and should be the enemy of anyone who values their freedom. What will you say when the nazi's come after drag racing in the name of an unproven science called global warming which many top climate professors actually disagree with?
Bob I agree with you100% Those groups you mentioned (IMO) do more harm than good!! I'm sorry I cant quote specific incidents ..but they have tried to stop many sports from Drag Racing , MotoX, Hunting, and many others that don't come to mind at this instant...
It's a shame how so few can have such a large impact on so many..I don;t think many people realize how far reaching drag racing reaches.. i.e. Motels make a bundle at national events, restaurants, car rentals, etc. etc.
I know you meant No Personal Attack on Suzie and I don't believe she is an environmentalist nut because she recycles and cares for the environment..
Keep up the good fight!
Bob & John,
I understand that certain groups can get out of hand, but it is the same all over on both sides of the fence. There is that bad apple again stinkin' up the place! I love this country and right now there are a few broken things that need to be fixed. It is important that everyone come together and work towards a common goal and get everything under control again so that people WILL have money to go racing and the ability to do the things they love. Freedom is precious!!!
I am still going to hug my trees every day and thank them for the oxygen they give off!!!
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