I think I can see a lucrative new career for you, Jen.
Thanks Dann
The dropping one class at each event is a five-year rotation. IOW, each class will only be dropped from each national event once during those five years. I think we're in the third year of the rotation, and I also think the NHRA would be more likely to look at making changes at the conclusion of the five years.We'll be in Houston, so I won't be able to follow the stats very closely, but do you suppose if the low car counts continue, that they'll include more classes in the future??
I think I can see a lucrative new career for you, Jen.
Any of you who know me know that I am as big a sportsman fan as there is, and I love the Alcohol cars, but they don't sell the tickets. I'm sorry but it's true. And over the years the car counts have gone down, so instead of thinning them even more by trying to get full fields at 24 events, the number of events was trimmed. And Super Street has never run the full schedule.
There are a number of reasons that car counts are down, the economy and fuel prices are two of them, but some of you just like to bash NHRA so you blame them for everything
Any of you who know me know that I am as big a sportsman fan as there is, and I love the Alcohol cars, but they don't sell the tickets. I'm sorry but it's true. And over the years the car counts have gone down, so instead of thinning them even more by trying to get full fields at 24 events, the number of events was trimmed. And Super Street has never run the full schedule.
There are a number of reasons that car counts are down, the economy and fuel prices are two of them, but some of you just like to bash NHRA so you blame them for everything
Sorrry, Jenn
Diesel was selling for $4.79/gal in Phoenix today. Bristol is a long pull for many sportsman teams who have no hope of recovering their costs even IF they win an Eliminator title. It's a downward spiral that neither NHRA or racers can control. There are solutions to this, but our elected officials continue to fold under pressure from misinformed environmental groups.