Thanks for the video link Brian Wood!!
The video shows Capps letting off the throttle when the front end went sky high however, it’s hard to tell from the video if Capps tried to pedal it on it’s way back down. (to soften the landing) It sounds like he did but it’s hard to tell because the car in the other lane was also on and off the throttle.
I’m glad Capps is OK and I hope Gaynor gets it fixed for next year.
The video shows Capps letting off the throttle when the front end went sky high however, it’s hard to tell from the video if Capps tried to pedal it on it’s way back down. (to soften the landing) It sounds like he did but it’s hard to tell because the car in the other lane was also on and off the throttle.
I’m glad Capps is OK and I hope Gaynor gets it fixed for next year.