Brandon Bernstein Looking To Go Rounds In Norwalk (1 Viewer)

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NORWALK , Ohio – To date this season, Brandon Bernstein and the Budweiser/Lucas Oil team have racked up three victories and one runner-up finish. They were hard-fought victories and the team enjoyed celebrating in winner’s circle. They have even taken two turns at leading the coveted Top Fuel point standings.

When the Kenny Bernstein-owned team comes to the Summit Racing Equipment Nationals June 29- July 1 they will be a crowd favorite.

“This has been a season of such extremes,” said Bernstein. “Jubilation for victories, but we also experienced a painful loss of our friend Eric Medlen who succumbed to injuries suffered in a testing accident in Gainesville, Fla. in March. The loss of a friend is one of the most difficult experiences for anyone. He was like a brother to me, and he forged such bonds with so many people that his loss will be felt for a long time.

“And competition this year has been strange,” continued Bernstein. “Maybe I don’t have a lot of years of experience, but dad and I talked, and even he doesn’t remember a season where the previous week’s race winners and past champions are on the outside looking in at the conclusion of Saturday’s qualifying as has happened so often this season.

“You just don’t know what to expect this year. Now we’re going to throw in hot, tricky tracks and the crew chiefs will have to figure out new tune-ups to keep from losing traction.

“We’re fortunate that our crew chief, Tim Richards, and assistant crew chief, Kim Richards, have a lot of experience, not to mention a lot of talent.

“We’re comfortably seeded in the countdown to eight for now, but we need to maintain that position for the next seven races to make the playoffs.

“We need to go some rounds in Norwalk to keep accruing those valuable points.”

Nitro (Top Fuel and Funny Car) qualifying begins Friday, June 29 at 5 p.m. with a second session at 8 p.m. There are two qualifying rounds Saturday, 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. with final eliminations beginning Sunday at 11 a.m.

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