Despite the JFR decision to race any of the team or Ashley or have John show up to tune in TX or whatever they do, there will be folks on both sides of the fence saying it was too soon to jump back in, not enough time for healing, should've gotten right back in the game out of respect for what Eric would've wanted, should/shouldn't do this or that . . .
. . . some things are for sure;
their decisions are going to be criticized by some,
they are going to be applauded by some,
things will never be the same again without Eric,
there will be those who give credit for wins or losses to Eric,
there will even be some who blame future losses on JFRs decisions,
Terry Jones will continue to seek JFR threads to get his shots in about Ashley not being fit to drive F/C.
. . . these things are a given.
Either way, I support the team's decision-making since they are the only ones close enough to the situation and people effected by Eric's tragic passing to know what's best for them. I believe many of us would be very unwise to second-guess anything they decide from our vantage point over the collective wisdom that is JFR & the Medlen family making such decisions. I've already agreed with whatever they decide and would want the same support if it were my family/team involved.