Well we have been talking about this around the house here. What do you think MOM force has to say about this ? I would not want to be in John shoes for nothing ...I realy feel for the guy right now .Has to be very hard..
Racers race?
I disagree Alan. All racers know is how to race...
Tell that to a life insurance company and let them decide which is safer.
With all due respect, I think she isn't even close to being ready to race that funny car. She is driving on sheer adrenaline and fear of failure.
I would have rather seen her in an alky FC for at least two more years before I would let her run in AA/FC. Then, she would know the charastics of driving a short wheelbase funny car before having to adjust to a plethera of unknown curveballs tossed her way.
It just isn't worth rushing that young lady, and risking her life when a couple more years in the junior leagues can teach her so much more.
I guess everybody may think I'm crazy, but if it were my daughter, I think I could recognize her need for more training in something slightly safer and manageable.
Racers race?
I disagree Alan. All racers know is how to race...
Tell that to a life insurance company and let them decide which is safer.
With all due respect, I think she isn't even close to being ready to race that funny car. She is driving on sheer adrenaline and fear of failure.
I would have rather seen her in an alky FC for at least two more years before I would let her run in AA/FC. Then, she would know the charastics of driving a short wheelbase funny car before having to adjust to a plethera of unknown curveballs tossed her way.
It just isn't worth rushing that young lady, and risking her life when a couple more years in the junior leagues can teach her so much more.
I guess everybody may think I'm crazy, but if it were my daughter, I think I could recognize her need for more training in something slightly safer and manageable.
George...Rich....you are stepping out of line here.....Only positive things should be said here......And in your two opinions you guys said the positively right thing....I agree big-time....Ashley was emotional after crossing the centerline cause the car scared her big-time...It was so obvious...the pits were ablaze w/ her true colors that the car got away from her....She has raced on three Sundays and has been DQ'd twice...A horrible display for someone that has made more laps in the last year and a half than half the field in todays IHRA event......
Lets hope she makes safe passes but she is WAY in over her head......Pride will get you in more trouble than anything else.....
Here we go again, Terry. How many floppers were all over the place..? Because it got away from them? How many showed their true colors in the pits? How many drivers said the place was close to non-negotiable?George...Rich....you are stepping out of line here.....Only positive things should be said here......And in your two opinions you guys said the positively right thing....I agree big-time....Ashley was emotional after crossing the centerline cause the car scared her big-time...It was so obvious...the pits were ablaze w/ her true colors that the car got away from her....She has raced on three Sundays and has been DQ'd twice...A horrible display for someone that has made more laps in the last year and a half than half the field in todays IHRA event......
Lets hope she makes safe passes but she is WAY in over her head......Pride will get you in more trouble than anything else.....
not even in a time like this will stop the force haters! if you dont have anything posotive to say DONT say anything! ashley will be fine! let the girl race!
Below is the THREAD, that YOU started exactly one month ago... One day this, next day that... Just pointing out that WHATEVER, ASHLEY!! decides to do... We WILL all support her... FULL FORCE!!
Racers race. It's what they do. You are safer in the racecar than you are in the rental on the way to the track. And like someone posted in another thread, if you see a wreck on the freeway you don't stop driving to work. What happened to Eric is awful and I will miss him dearly but
Racers race, just like Doctors doc, and Plumbers plumb it's what they do.
ChrisI wonder what Della Woods & Shirley Muldowney would say to this?