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Ashley Force

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Well we have been talking about this around the house here. What do you think MOM force has to say about this ? I would not want to be in John shoes for nothing ...I realy feel for the guy right now .Has to be very hard..
I think this will be Ash's decision or it should be....She damn sure can drive so I think with Eric riding with her she will do fine....

I have lost several friends who ran the same class as I do/did and it is very hard to climb back in the car after seeing what can happen, that said Alan is 100%'s what we do....

Mr. Gunderson (The fastest plumber in the world!) funny stuff...great showing in Gainsville for you and the team...keep it up you are making us A Foolers proud!

Best of luck to Ashley and JFR....

Racers race?
I disagree Alan. All racers know is how to race...
Tell that to a life insurance company and let them decide which is safer.

With all due respect, I think she isn't even close to being ready to race that funny car. She is driving on sheer adrenaline and fear of failure.
I would have rather seen her in an alky FC for at least two more years before I would let her run in AA/FC. Then, she would know the charastics of driving a short wheelbase funny car before having to adjust to a plethera of unknown curveballs tossed her way.
It just isn't worth rushing that young lady, and risking her life when a couple more years in the junior leagues can teach her so much more.

I guess everybody may think I'm crazy, but if it were my daughter, I think I could recognize her need for more training in something slightly safer and manageable.
Well we have been talking about this around the house here. What do you think MOM force has to say about this ? I would not want to be in John shoes for nothing ...I realy feel for the guy right now .Has to be very hard..

Jamie, I hear what you are saying on what Mom (Laurie) Force may be feeling and saying regarding Ashley. I'm 34 years old and last weekend took my car to a T&T for the first time and will start bracket racing soon, my mom was a nervous wreck most of the day and my car only runs mid-12's.
Racers race?
I disagree Alan. All racers know is how to race...
Tell that to a life insurance company and let them decide which is safer.

With all due respect, I think she isn't even close to being ready to race that funny car. She is driving on sheer adrenaline and fear of failure.
I would have rather seen her in an alky FC for at least two more years before I would let her run in AA/FC. Then, she would know the charastics of driving a short wheelbase funny car before having to adjust to a plethera of unknown curveballs tossed her way.
It just isn't worth rushing that young lady, and risking her life when a couple more years in the junior leagues can teach her so much more.

I guess everybody may think I'm crazy, but if it were my daughter, I think I could recognize her need for more training in something slightly safer and manageable.

You sound like you know her personally! Do you? :cool:
Racers race?
I disagree Alan. All racers know is how to race...
Tell that to a life insurance company and let them decide which is safer.

With all due respect, I think she isn't even close to being ready to race that funny car. She is driving on sheer adrenaline and fear of failure.
I would have rather seen her in an alky FC for at least two more years before I would let her run in AA/FC. Then, she would know the charastics of driving a short wheelbase funny car before having to adjust to a plethera of unknown curveballs tossed her way.
It just isn't worth rushing that young lady, and risking her life when a couple more years in the junior leagues can teach her so much more.

I guess everybody may think I'm crazy, but if it were my daughter, I think I could recognize her need for more training in something slightly safer and manageable.

Below is the THREAD, that YOU started exactly one month ago... One day this, next day that... Just pointing out that WHATEVER, ASHLEY!! decides to do... We WILL all support her... FULL FORCE!!
George, I couldn't agree more. Well said.

My wife has mentioned several times that given Ashley's experience in a top alcohol dragster, she thinks it would have made more sense for her to have made the move to a top fuel dragster rather than a funny car. Can't say I disagree. are stepping out of line here.....Only positive things should be said here......And in your two opinions you guys said the positively right thing....I agree big-time....Ashley was emotional after crossing the centerline cause the car scared her big-time...It was so obvious...the pits were ablaze w/ her true colors that the car got away from her....She has raced on three Sundays and has been DQ'd twice...A horrible display for someone that has made more laps in the last year and a half than half the field in todays IHRA event......
Lets hope she makes safe passes but she is WAY in over her head......Pride will get you in more trouble than anything else..... are stepping out of line here.....Only positive things should be said here......And in your two opinions you guys said the positively right thing....I agree big-time....Ashley was emotional after crossing the centerline cause the car scared her big-time...It was so obvious...the pits were ablaze w/ her true colors that the car got away from her....She has raced on three Sundays and has been DQ'd twice...A horrible display for someone that has made more laps in the last year and a half than half the field in todays IHRA event......
Lets hope she makes safe passes but she is WAY in over her head......Pride will get you in more trouble than anything else.....

not even in a time like this will stop the force haters! if you dont have anything posotive to say DONT say anything! ashley will be fine! let the girl race! are stepping out of line here.....Only positive things should be said here......And in your two opinions you guys said the positively right thing....I agree big-time....Ashley was emotional after crossing the centerline cause the car scared her big-time...It was so obvious...the pits were ablaze w/ her true colors that the car got away from her....She has raced on three Sundays and has been DQ'd twice...A horrible display for someone that has made more laps in the last year and a half than half the field in todays IHRA event......
Lets hope she makes safe passes but she is WAY in over her head......Pride will get you in more trouble than anything else.....
Here we go again, Terry. How many floppers were all over the place..? Because it got away from them? How many showed their true colors in the pits? How many drivers said the place was close to non-negotiable?

Man..I wish I knew it all like be able to stand on my throne and look down upon the mere mortals.

And don't give me any sh!t about don't read it. Unfortunately, I read everything..good and bad..because I'm a modulator!! And perd 'near everything you post I wanna sh!tcan. Your bias/sexist attitude makes me wanna puke.
thank god there wasnt a nitromater back in the 80s when John was on fire and upside down like every other weekend...i can only imagine what would have been said :rolleyes:
not even in a time like this will stop the force haters! if you dont have anything posotive to say DONT say anything! ashley will be fine! let the girl race!

Don't assume that just because I question something that I am somehow a Force hater. In fact nothing could be further from the truth. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Given the amount of positive attention she receives, I am convinced that Ashley Force is potentially the best thing to happen to drag racing in years. Because of this I don't think there's any doubt whatsoever that she has the ability expand the drag racing fan base.

Sorry, but disagreement does not necessarily equal hate.
Below is the THREAD, that YOU started exactly one month ago... One day this, next day that... Just pointing out that WHATEVER, ASHLEY!! decides to do... We WILL all support her... FULL FORCE!!

Ray, I never said that I didn't support her, and I stand by EVERY word I said in that post. There is nothing I would love more than to see her accel to the top. I will be grinning ear to ear when Ashley wins her championship.

That comment was made after her first race behind the wheel of a AA/FC, and her first set of side by side fuel races.

After wathcing several of Ashley's runs, it's become my opinion that she isn't ready and I personally wouldn't risk her life until she has received more seat time in either an Alky FC or TF.

What can I say, I'm a 48 year old father. I just don't think it is worth risking her life at this point.
She is young, beautiful and the future of JFR with a whole bunch of AA/FC National event wins to come. Why put all of that to risk before she is truly ready to handle that monster?
I just think she needs more seasoning, and a AA/FC is hardly the place.

These cars are not the same vehicle most drivers like Del Worsham simply stepped into and just drove. They are crazy fast now and 100 times more dangerous.
Racers race. It's what they do. You are safer in the racecar than you are in the rental on the way to the track. And like someone posted in another thread, if you see a wreck on the freeway you don't stop driving to work. What happened to Eric is awful and I will miss him dearly but

Racers race, just like Doctors doc, and Plumbers plumb it's what they do.


Well said Alan. Along the same train of thought as the rental car being more dangerous, I was in the parking lot at E-town when a car pulled up and Coil, Fedderly, Medlen and Prock got out of the car. It occured to me, Oh my God why would they all ride together. What if they got in some kind of serious wreck on the way to the track. You never know.
You can't micro manage life you can only take reasonable precautions.
Eric will be terribly missed by all. My heart aches.
I have strapped my son into a dragster on many occassions and I can't imagine the pain of such a loss.
We must all lean on each other emotionally during these times.
God bless everyone out there and let's all heal together over time.

Reinhard " Flash" Koller
I wonder what Della Woods & Shirley Muldowney would say to this?
It takes only 12 pounds of force to make a man; well, have to sit rather then stand... :eek: I imagine, no words would even be spoken by either woman... :D If you know what I mean?? ;)

George, you are clueless when it comes to the last paragraph of your last post as well!! What does that even mean?? I was with Del when he licensed and tested at Bakersfield... your POINT?? :confused:
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Racers race.. plan and simple.. and racing can be theropy for them during tradegies.....

My best friend lost his mom and his mother in law and then one of his best friends.. a fellow driver.. all in one week... we left one of the funerals loaded the car and went racing that night... it was the best thing for him... all of the spouses and relitives told him they would have been upset if he had not gone... they bought tickets to watch him and help sponsor his cars over the years.. so they told him he owed it to them to keep racing no matter what.... it was the best for him 100%...

his friend that passed away had a heart attack while driving while racing.... he felt bad before the race and we tried to get him to go to the hospitol... well.. to qoute him.... "i'm here to race and i will go when we are done"... salesman during the week and racer on the weekend... RIP Jimmy Long...

and George.. i technicaly died in my 89 Toyota Corolla in the early 90's on the way to visit my mother... while she still to this day worries about me... she didn't ask me to quit driving on the steets... race cars are alot safer.... for pics of my car.. go to my myspace page....:)

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Despite the JFR decision to race any of the team or Ashley or have John show up to tune in TX or whatever they do, there will be folks on both sides of the fence saying it was too soon to jump back in, not enough time for healing, should've gotten right back in the game out of respect for what Eric would've wanted, should/shouldn't do this or that . . .

. . . some things are for sure;

their decisions are going to be criticized by some,
they are going to be applauded by some,
things will never be the same again without Eric,
there will be those who give credit for wins or losses to Eric,
there will even be some who blame future losses on JFRs decisions,
Terry Jones will continue to seek JFR threads to get his shots in about Ashley not being fit to drive F/C.
. . . these things are a given.

Either way, I support the team's decision-making since they are the only ones close enough to the situation and people effected by Eric's tragic passing to know what's best for them. I believe many of us would be very unwise to second-guess anything they decide from our vantage point over the collective wisdom that is JFR & the Medlen family making such decisions. I've already agreed with whatever they decide and would want the same support if it were my family/team involved.
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Ways To Support Nitromater

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