Another uninformed sports writer (1 Viewer)

He's really not all that far off at all. I don't agree with a couple things he wrote but he hit a lot of the nails on the heads about the problems with the sport as it is now.
Its funny they havent posted any comments .What a douche bag reporter .
I have to agree his is pretty accurate in his comments. There were a couple of things that were harshly said, but for the most part it was correct.
And he's about 90% right... not a lot I can say he was wrong about, except the 2-1/2 minute thing...


For me it was the condenscending tone and the belittlement of the sport. 90% right. Give me a break. His account of the show yesterday was 100% off, and calling NHRA racing the most dreary of all motorsports is the most assinine thing ever!! Everyone knows NHRA is not on the radar opposed to NASCAR, but neither are ANY other racing organizations.
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Hmm, so only 'Maters can ***** about the chase-the TV coverage-low driver pay and lack of personalities? Yes, it was a bit on the nasty side-but 75% of what he said has been beat to death here.
For me it was the condenscending tone and the belittlement of the sport.

I agree about the elitest attitude...I think his writing craft is terrible, however his facts for the most part, were right on....Its painful to hear, I agree...BUT, if the shoe fits.....
"Ultimately, NHRA doesn't need to be NASCAR.

There can be fun and profit as the little brother of the U.S.motors world, and that's where NHRA is. Its stars remain approachable, its budgets not crazy, its pits accessible to fans.

Considering that NHRA is about people standing on the gas pedal and seeing what happens ... it's not that bad a gig."
Doesn't sound that condescending to me, just curious, what part of the article was incorrect, in your opinion?
Take this article from Autoweek...

NHRA: Ifs, ands and butts in the seats - AutoWeek

An informed MOTORSPORTS JOURNALIST in a Respected MOTORSPORTS MAGAZINE..This is the positive Press that the NHRA needed at the end of the season....Not some Staff Writer who's trying to compare CURRENT NASCAR to CURRENT NHRA, and saying.."Nice try NHRA.but your no NASCAR". That's all I got out of his article.
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For me it was the condenscending tone and the belittlement of the sport.

Sounds just like my father and sisters... get used to it, I have over the last 45 years.... at least he didn't call us a bunch of hoodlums trying to go legit on NASCAR's coattails, at least in so many words...

It really is the So-Cal Attitude... Birthplace of the sport, but by the early 80's we weren't wanted anymore... so I left... sisters still live there, dad moved to just north of Seattle...

And I'll never see another Winternationals or World Finals in person, 'cause there's no way in **** I'm ever going back to Kalifornia...

"Consider: The primary fuel used by the top classes is nitromethane, suspected to be a carcinogen. Which we know for certain sears the eyes and scalds the throat. The noise pollution is astonishing; jet engines are louder than an NHRA vehicle, but just barely. And there may not be studies of the clouds of whatever-it-is that spew from accelerating NHRA racers, but I sure don't want to breathe it."

you know...When I raced in D-7 with the Woodard Clan in the OUTLAW BRACKET SERIES AT CARLSBAD RACEWAY in the early 90's..on Sunday's we would have our NO FEAR SHIRTS that we wore...Our Favorite was a quote that fits this dude....

"Pussies..will never be hero's!" :eek:
"Ultimately, NHRA doesn't need to be NASCAR.

There can be fun and profit as the little brother of the U.S.motors world, and that's where NHRA is. Its stars remain approachable, its budgets not crazy, its pits accessible to fans.

Considering that NHRA is about people standing on the gas pedal and seeing what happens ... it's not that bad a gig."
Doesn't sound that condescending to me, just curious, what part of the article was incorrect, in your opinion?

Some quotes I found unnecessary:
“In front of a couple of banks of glorified high-school bleachers”.
“NHRA is dull, no matter how many times somebody runs 300 mph”
“Well, I've been to all the other forms, too, and NHRA is the dreariest”
NHRA has pacing issues. Even when things are moving briskly, the ratio of action to inaction is the worst in sports, about 30-to-1.
The races are too short, too infrequent, nobody ever turns (on purpose) and leads are rarely exchanged.
And that doesn't take into account half-hour stretches because of breakdowns or crashes or support-division racing
And this comment should get this guy banned forever :)

And there may not be studies of the clouds of whatever-it-is that spew from accelerating NHRA racers, but I sure don't want to breathe it.
He's really not all that far off at all. I don't agree with a couple things he wrote but he hit a lot of the nails on the heads about the problems with the sport as it is now.


I agree with you and the writer. I believe his points are accurate. I've posted (many times) that our sport will never be any bigger on TV. Too much down time and waaaaay too many classes for viewers to figure out. Whether it's NASCAR or Indy Cars, there's one class and one winner. That's simple for novice fans to understand. Without big TV ratings we'll never get the big sponsor committments that NASCAR enjoys. And in business, nothing happens without revenue.

No new revenue = no growth.
He's a little too "green" for my tastes, but that is expected from many in SoCal. Also, I've seen pieces like this written by guys who think driving around in a circle for three hours trying to find the finish line is exciting. That kind of racing makes me dizzy and bored.

I've covered quite a few types of racing (Cup, Busch, IRL, USAC, FF and others), and I chose drag racing as my only focus more than ten years ago for a few reasons. Those reasons are, it is unlike any other form of motorsports in the diversity of the cars involved, the diversity of the people involved, the fact that there isn't just one winner at an event -- there is a winner every time a pair of cars go down the track, the competition is heads-up -- one-on-one and every driver has a shot at winning, and nitro racing is a sensory overload unlike anything offered by any other series. 43 Cup cars are kind of loud. Two fuel cars are physically disturbing. And as exciting as that is, I still get just as tickled watching a pair of muscle cars bury their bumpers on the hit in Stock or Super Stock.

He was paying attention to some things, but he wasn't paying attention to (or was totally ignorant of) other aspects of this sport that make it so desirable and so unique.
NHRA is to NASCAR what the Daily Breeze is to the New York Times.

My wife and I went to the FOOD CITY 500 about 10-12 years ago at Sears Point. She commented "The first 20 minutes was sure exciting, and the last 20 minutes to the checkered flag sure was exciting...But those two and a half hours in the middle just about killed me."

Drag Racing isn't for everyone. But neither are those cow dung flinging contests.

He expressed his opinions and I didn't see any facts. No big deal. How many people read his column or would stay away because of his statements?

This isn't worth the time to even read it.
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