Zippy runs 4.84! (3 Viewers)

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The Counterfeiter

Nitro Member
Jul 25, 2006
Tempe, AZ
Looks like I'll be sending that check to DRAW! I'm really impressed that a guy with virtually no racing experience can progress so quickly. I'll send the check when Mike attempts to qualify for a national event. Vegas? Pomona? Next year?
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Zippy has something that helps a potential driver in-depth knowledge of how the cars work and respond to different things...its the same reason why robert and eric were able to take to the seat so quickly
Zippy has something that helps a potential driver in-depth knowledge of how the cars work and respond to different things...its the same reason why robert and eric were able to take to the seat so quickly

I would not disagree. And couple that with the fact that he's got top notch equipment, he's hardly in a position to fail.
I am interested to see how he progresses compared to Ms. Force. Ms. Force has had seat time in a TA/D for a few years unlike Neff, Hight, and Medlin. I wonder if having an understanding on how the cars works makes that much of a difference compared to seat time in a different category.
Paul I believe it's an individual thing. Both types of experience help a lot, IMO. Neff knows these cars inside out, and has been on the starting line sending them down the track for quite awhile. Driving other cars is also obviously a big help, although most say that the only way to get ready to drive a fuel car is to drive one, a lot. I think others here can chime in but I believe I've read it takes something like 50 runs to begin to get really comfortable. Either way, good for Zippy, it's always cool to see someone fulfill a dream.
Nice going Mike Neff! 50 passes, huh? I`m sure Neff will be close to that by the start of `08. That car will be an instant contender the minute they roll thru the gate in Pomona next Feb.
Since Ashley made some laps yesterday does that mean she is running in Vegas? I thought both her and Dad were done for the year?
Since Ashley made some laps yesterday does that mean she is running in Vegas? I thought both her and Dad were done for the year?

The way I read into it, they were going to decide after the Vegas test session who would run and who would not, but I thought the same as you. Now I wonder if there is a small chance that all 4 Force cars could be entered, with Burkhart in John's car. After all, as much as I hate the (dive, dive, dive!:D) that would give Hight 3 blockers.....
Good for Zippy! I bet his arms and legs felt like noodles this morning!!! Way to go!
People that have been around a certain class like Neff, Brad Littlefield and certain other second generation racers have intimate knowledge of the race car before they ever get a chance to drive. They have been around them most of their lives. I think that increases their chances to do a lot better than guys jumping from another maybe slower class where they haven't seen the hundreds of laps from 10 feet behind the car over the course of many years They may actually be intimdated initially by it. Those who have been around them have seen every situation and should know the right reaction. They expect things they have already seen to happen rather than learning as they go.
If you look at the incrementals on that 4.84 run, particularly from the 60'-330' and 330-660' and compare them with some of the incrementals on the 4.75 runs, you'll see that the car was set up to be soft in that part of the run, indicating they wanted to make sure Zippy got down the track and got his license. If you also look at Phil Burkart's numbers, he was on a mid 70s run as well before he shut it off early.

I hope Phil runs at Vegas, because he's a good driver, a good guy, and a fellow upstate NY person.
Zip is doing GREAT! It seems that making a thousand runs in your head while standing on the starting line counts for something. And for the record, I spoke to Austin Coil last night and part of the conversation went like this.

Me; "How many cars will you be running next week?"

Coil; "Yes"

Me; Can you be more specific?"

Coil; "Somewhere between 1 and 4"

Me; "Thanks for the update"

Hope this helps,
Zip is doing GREAT! It seems that making a thousand runs in your head while standing on the starting line counts for something. And for the record, I spoke to Austin Coil last night and part of the conversation went like this.

Me; "How many cars will you be running next week?"

Coil; "Yes"

Me; Can you be more specific?"

Coil; "Somewhere between 1 and 4"

Me; "Thanks for the update"

Hope this helps,

Classic Coil
Zip's first run of the day

4.81 318.47

I believe that earns him a license

Zip is doing GREAT! It seems that making a thousand runs in your head while standing on the starting line counts for something. And for the record, I spoke to Austin Coil last night and part of the conversation went like this.

Me; "How many cars will you be running next week?"

Coil; "Yes"

Me; Can you be more specific?"

Coil; "Somewhere between 1 and 4"

Me; "Thanks for the update"

Hope this helps,

LOL!!! Way to pin him down and ask the hard hitting questions Alan!! ;);)

I agree... Classic Coil.
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