Will "Six-in-a-Row" take it's toll? (2 Viewers)

"Dr. Dirt"

Nitro Member
I suspect we will learn about a few more important attributes that could comes into play in NHRA drag racing over the next 6 weeks:
Attrition-Anderson has already used up three P/S engines in the last two weeks and I can only imagine they can't keep up that pace for 6 more weeks.
Supply-TJ already used up a body yesterday and may not be able to do that week-in and week-out for six more weeks.
Durability-Crews live in cramped quarters on race week and now it's race month and a half. I suspect there will be some heated relationships and maybe even some losses.
Travel woes-Fly-in Fly-out crew members, drivers, owners, sponsors, etc. will be on a travel schedule from you-know-where?
And . . .who knows what else will stress the NHRA tour over the next 6 weeks of no breaks.
I suspect we will learn about a few more important attributes that could comes into play in NHRA drag racing over the next 6 weeks:
Attrition-Anderson has already used up three P/S engines in the last two weeks and I can only imagine they can't keep up that pace for 6 more weeks.
Supply-TJ already used up a body yesterday and may not be able to do that week-in and week-out for six more weeks.
Durability-Crews live in cramped quarters on race week and now it's race month and a half. I suspect there will be some heated relationships and maybe even some losses.
Travel woes-Fly-in Fly-out crew members, drivers, owners, sponsors, etc. will be on a travel schedule from you-know-where?
And . . .who knows what else will stress the NHRA tour over the next 6 weeks of no breaks.

I'm sure you are right Bobby. Others may not have noticed it, but I did since I follow his team closer than some, but many of you might remember Bob Gilbertson's marathon race schedule last year when he hit NHRA and IHRA races every weekend for close to 10 straight weeks if I'm not mistaken. It was a bunch anyway, and if you look at his website and specifically at his crew, you'll notice that he has a ton of new guys this year. I'm sure that burned out most of the team last year and when he announced late last year that he was planning to try and do it again this year, I bet quite a few crew members decided they had had enough of that life! It might explain his lack of consistency this year as I suspect he is going through a strong learning curve with some new guys. Just my observations...
I imagine many teams out there are going to rack up HUGE overnight freight bills shipping more stuff in from thier shops. And, like they touched on on the TV show, those rigs are going to be maxed out on weight - and the chase vans probably loaded down as well! Nothing like riding from Tennessee to Colorado with boxes of supplies wedged in the seat with you! I just hope everyone out there makes it safe & sound to thier destinations.... and their air conditioners can keep pace..... with no roadside breakdowns.
You know something we have all overlooked:eek:............just how hard it could be on the "competition committee" to add subtract weight every time someone runs better;)
I imagine many teams out there are going to rack up HUGE overnight freight bills shipping more stuff in from thier shops. And, like they touched on on the TV show, those rigs are going to be maxed out on weight - and the chase vans probably loaded down as well! Nothing like riding from Tennessee to Colorado with boxes of supplies wedged in the seat with you! I just hope everyone out there makes it safe & sound to thier destinations.... and their air conditioners can keep pace..... with no roadside breakdowns.

I wouldn't doubt it...this will be very challenging on people and parts. I'm assuming the team members will be compensated rather well... I just see big $$$ in the cost of parts and travel bills. I just hope there are full fields by the time Sonoma comes around...I will be there...I just hope all the teams are as well.

I would imagine that some teams have talked to a few NASCAR team owners/managers about the above situations. I think this will fall right into the hands of the Force's teams, and the KB/Kalitta teams. They have the most resources to accomplish this (Force with unlimited pocketbooks, and KB/Kalitta with his own fleet of planes)
I am curious if some of the teams or maybe suppliers have pre-positioned some parts supplies at upcoming event locations?
Yeah I know for a fact Connie himself has flown back to Detroit on a Saturday night after qualifying to grab more junk for raceday. That was in the AIA days when he was still driving. Nobody's mentioned the R word either.... if it rains one of these weekends.... ..... good Lord!
With rumors of Hammonds and Edwards skipping the swing and Captain Chaos talking about his last engine, I'd say this is going to get ugly.
You seem to forget that this stretch was scheduled for 5 races in 6 weeks so the Bristol reschedule was the only change from the first posted schedule. Most of the teams got to go home last week and the week before.

Englishtown to Indy 11 Hours. Leave E-Town Sunday night, home Monday morning.

Indy to Norwalk 4 hours.

Norwalk back to Indy, same 4 hours. Home Sunday P.M.

Indy to Bristol 7 hours. Back to Indy Monday A.M. Leave for Denver Wednesday or Thursday 16 hours.

After that it's the same old western swing that we all know and love.

I'm certainly not saying that it's a cakewalk, but it's not like the guys don't get to see their wives and kids for two months.

You seem to forget that this stretch was scheduled for 5 races in 6 weeks so the Bristol reschedule was the only change from the first posted schedule. Most of the teams got to go home last week and the week before.

Englishtown to Indy 11 Hours. Leave E-Town Sunday night, home Monday morning.

Indy to Norwalk 4 hours.

Norwalk back to Indy, same 4 hours. Home Sunday P.M.

Indy to Bristol 7 hours. Back to Indy Monday A.M. Leave for Denver Wednesday or Thursday 16 hours.

After that it's the same old western swing that we all know and love.

I'm certainly not saying that it's a cakewalk, but it's not like the guys don't get to see their wives and kids for two months.


I agree I've found it odd how they keep pushing the "brutal" 6 week stretch on the telecast. If they were going back and forth coast to coast I could see it.
Yeah I know for a fact Connie himself has flown back to Detroit on a Saturday night after qualifying to grab more junk for raceday. That was in the AIA days when he was still driving. Nobody's mentioned the R word either.... if it rains one of these weekends.... ..... good Lord!

I don't think it is going to rain But what about the heat and fires? It's very hot and dry here in oregon ( a little rain with NO lighting would be nice). And I am praying for safety for everone traveling to and from the races.
You seem to forget that this stretch was scheduled for 5 races in 6 weeks so the Bristol reschedule was the only change from the first posted schedule. Most of the teams got to go home last week and the week before.

Englishtown to Indy 11 Hours. Leave E-Town Sunday night, home Monday morning.

Indy to Norwalk 4 hours.

Norwalk back to Indy, same 4 hours. Home Sunday P.M.

Indy to Bristol 7 hours. Back to Indy Monday A.M. Leave for Denver Wednesday or Thursday 16 hours.

After that it's the same old western swing that we all know and love.

I'm certainly not saying that it's a cakewalk, but it's not like the guys don't get to see their wives and kids for two months.

Everybody lives in Indy now?? Just curious.

Most of the big teams have a shop in Indy. And the crew guys have a place there. If they don't live there, it's still a home away from home. The drivers either are driving their buses, or flying home. Cagnazzi, KB, and Herbert all have a place in Charlotte so last week was almost a home game.

Again, I'm not saying that it's the easiest thing they do, but it's also not like they have to leave home and never come back.

I'm thinking that the P/S team that has the best of all worlds for this situation is Cagnazzi. They have guys back @ the shop building motors where as most others are on the road, ie WJ/KJ>Allen & Roy Johnson,Morgan who has numerous motors to keep up. Who knows what the KB team situation is but I imagine with JL being @ the races,it can't be up to standards. It would not surprise me to see Jeggie take over the points lead the way things have been going for the KB team. I ain't no Jeggie fan but I'm sure tired of that other bunch.:p
I'd be willing to bet V. Gaines' guys have been on the road for awhile and Denver will be their first time at home for awhile (and home races are a mad house) and then its back on the road. Lets not forget that a lot of of the support folks live on the road.

You seem to forget that this stretch was scheduled for 5 races in 6 weeks so the Bristol reschedule was the only change from the first posted schedule.

With all due respect, I didn't forget anything. The schedule was clearly posted at the beginning of the year and Bristol being thrown in was clearly announced weeks ago. My memory is probably not what yours is but it works well enough to remember a printed schedule posted earlier this year?

I was just concerned how this loss of a catch-up week might effect many who counted on it. Now that I see some dropping out, I have my answer. I suspect many of the support personnel, vendors, crew, officials are also going to miss the treasured week off in preparation for the Western Swing (which I still remember began the original 5 weeks straight.)
From your response, I don't suppose it affected you at all.
They should have rescheduled Bristol for a later date!

They couldn't do that because then it would mess up their precious reality TV style points system. It would have been interesting to see what they would have ran on that surface had the event been run in the fall, guess we'll never know.
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