Chad Fergen
Nitro Member
No lights at BIR, but I think most others have them.
One of the things I regularly noticed on Street Outlaws was that, no matter what backroad they were on, the "pit" area was lit up like the sun. How they were supposed to be "clandestine" when their stackers and toters gave off 20,000 footcandles EVERYWHERE in the pits was always a laugh.I would concur that lighting may be a concern... Unlike other closed course racing events Drag racing has a lot of motion in the pits and it is a safer environment in the Day light. IMO
Friday is a low count spectator day as many people have to take time off work to be there. Giving up Sunday means giving up a lot of fans entry tickets (as well as concessions and other sales)
While it's fun to watch night racing, it wouldn't make sense economically to eliminate a day of ticket sales