I'm pulling for decency and morality to prevail.
There's a huge difference between showcasing your talents on the track and exposing yourself for the sake of lust or money.
I would love to have the guys looking for something like this to open the centerfold and see Big Jim Dunn and Connie Kalitta posing instead. Maybe they would rethink this nakedness, ya think?
No, it is demeaning to women as a whole. Sport not withstanding. That is why I by them for the articles.Oh my gosh, root beer on a laptop keyboard isn't going to make me electrocute myself is it?
Putting the women of the NHRA in those smutt magazines is demeaning to the sport as a whole.
it wouldn't happen.
Sponsors would not allow it. I would imagine most sponsors have some type of morality clause to them so that if the driver does anything that could tarnish the image of the sponsor they could be dropped. Also I believe a few years back one of the girlie mags did try to sponsor something but the sanctioning body said no.
Now don't get me wrong, as I enjoy drooling over the ladies as much as the next guy but since I bring my children to the races. I wouldn't want to have the avoid certain rows in the pits for fear of what they may see.
Wasn't that Big Jim D with the Penthouse deal?
Frank Pedregon was sponsored by Penthouse but they dropped sponsorship when they (Penthouse) started having financial troubles.
Yep, Frank driving Jim Dunn's car sponsored by Penthouse. It only lasted a year.
I take issue with the people that say "those magazines are degrading to women." The women that pose for those magazines are posing for those pictures out of their own free will (and many cases $$$$), nobody is putting a gun to their head and saying "You must pose for us!"
Also, I never once saw or heard a woman that can universally be considered attractive complain that the lad's mags are "degrading." It's almost always women that can be universally be considered unattractive and the man-haters at NOW that do the complaining. You can chalk that up to being bitter and jealous.
Kelly McGrathTrivia time-Who was supposed to be the driver of the Penthouse flopper?
I remember in one of the last ever issues of SS&DI, or Drag Illustrated I think it was called at the end of its life, there was a pic of Big Jim and Kelly announcing the sponsorship. Didn`t Kelly have some sort of eye injury that kept him out of the seat?Damn that was quick!!
Sam, the more you type, the more I feel inclined to disagree with most of your viewpoints. When considering such a scenario as these women pose when exposing themselves for money and fame, it's wisest to insert your Mother/Wife/Daughter as a principal into the equation to insure you are telling the truth rather than feeding your lust. My guess is that you wouldn't want any of the three exposed to the world for any reason. If I'm wrong, you are one sick puppy!
This statement tells us a lot about the morality and character of those you associate with, since many attractive women from all walks of life would never consider such an act for any price. I'm pleased to say that I personally associate with no one who would either condone or participate in such degradation. Sure, there are those who would love to be exposed but they are the exception rather than the rule. I'll hope that one day you marry a wonderful moral woman like I did and raise a wonderful moral family like I have been lucky enough to do. Your mind will change as will your tastes if you fully buy in to such a lifestyle.
Trivia time-Who was supposed to be the driver of the Penthouse flopper?