Whit Bazemore cracks on Fast Jack's pedal job (2 Viewers)


Nitro Member
just posted a podcast with Whit Bazemore at RPM2Night.com

he recaps Pomona, plus busts on Brandon Bernstein's hair and has some strong things to say about Jack Beckman's pedal job. Check it out when you can.

Glad to see he hasn't changed, still not afraid to say what is on his mind. Good for him, glad to see someone who isn't afraid to go against the grain.
let's not get too personal. he is entitled to his opinion as we all are. besides, you wouldn't want him to just "state the company line" would you. that would be boring. whit state his opinion and backed it up. i can't fault him for that.
let's not get too personal. he is entitled to his opinion as we all are. besides, you wouldn't want him to just "state the company line" would you. that would be boring. whit state his opinion and backed it up. i can't fault him for that.

Yeah, John, but.....................

Personally, I love Whit. But the bottom line is he doesn't have a ride. And when he does things like this, he makes it easy for everyone to throw that fact right back into his lap. And to be especially critical of the guy who took his seat................wow, how original. ;)

I was at Indy when Jack was originally licensing in the Funny Car. Whit was there (the 1st day, at least), and he was acting like a complete dick towards Jack and doing so without any regard who was around to hear it. Should he have been pissed that he lost his ride? Probably. But if you're going to be professional enough to show up at the track to help the new guy transition into the seat, then be professional enough to do it with grace. You never know who might be listening.

Sean D
Sean, have you ever been asked to help train your replacement? I've been in that situation before and it's not fun and as a human being I don't think it's possible to put on your best face, smile and say, "thank you sir, may I have another." LOL

I don't think Whit's comments were a personal attack. He made an observation that just happened to be about the driver who replaced him at DSR.
So, it's not just people on the Mater who think they can do it better. What a joke. Yep, Beckman's a terrible driver. :rolleyes:

No wonder people have taken swings at ol' Whitless. He deserves to be on the side.

John, really, there have got to be other people on the sidelines who'd be a lot more credible interview. Tommy Johnson Jr., Phil Burkhart, Hillary Will, ... there are a lot of smart people on the sidelines. Stop giving this clown a stage.
Whit speaks his mind. what can i say. a lot of people find it interesting. it's like that commercial for colin cowherd's show on espn, colin says (and i'm paraphrasing) "the guy who is rude and obnoxious is number one." of course he's talking about talk radio. but, an internet podcast is basically the same.

anyway, thanks for listening to it. next week whit and i will preview gainesville.

thanks again.
You are a stronger man than I, John. I'd want to call him on some of it, and you show infinite class. A quality that perhaps Whit could/should emulate.
Good for Whit,nice to hear him again,wish he was racing that is for sure,both Beckman and Whit can drive!
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