I, too, am glad Whit has spoken his mind here. Whit, in the podcast mentioned
that what happened to Jack has happened to every driver at some point... a
loss of concentration. Well a few days ago, Jack shows the picture of his new daughter on facebook. I can understand lack of concentration/jitters at
the first race of the season in historically cold conditions,given other things
{Like OBGYN ultrasounds, off season rumore, etc.}. Jack is a pro and will bounce back, without question, in my poinion!
As for Whit, I really like him too. It seems to me Whit gets worked up when it
comes to safety. We should ALL get worked up when it comes to safety AND
quality of competition. When not a single fuel car made it down the right lane
at {Whit, little help here}, he went to the line and vented his fustration @ Rick Stewart. Why WOULDNT he? A crap lane is BOTH a safety and quality of competition issue!!!
Force and Whit were the greatest of enemies on the line, but who was it that
snuck into the ER @ dallas when John had the big one. Who told John to do
EXACTLY what the doctors and rehab therapists tell him to do. Who told
John about his own severe leg/foot injuries, how painful, yet productive,
doing ALL the required rehab would be? Who told John he loved him as they took John into surgury? Elon Werner? No...... W. Whit Bazemore, thats who.
Whit can dish it out, yes. But he can also take it. How many remember Whit
getting chewed on by Lee Beard when he used the brakes to straighten out
a loose FC? Beard didnt take Whit aside, he told a National audiance on ESPN!
Beard, years later, also belittled Whits learning curve in the Powers Mortor-
sports Top Fuel car. Anybody see Whit crying about that? I didnt, just as Fast Jack isnt crying at home in Norco right now. Both men are better than
that, they are pros.
For the record, I like both drivers. A lot. One beat stage 4 cancer. The other
went thru the traps{1/4 mile, mind you} WFO with the throttle stuck open and accellerated to an approximate 345 mph, before stopping the thing and
walking away! I dont think it has to be a Whit OR Jack thing. I know BOTH
men have earned my respect, and for one, think it would be cool to see them
paired up in the final @ IRP sometime! Like Whit said, I'll be watching next
Carry on, and Whit please correct any mistakes my aging brain remembered