Back in the mearly to mid 70's first time 1973 I drove from CLE Friday after work, conned my way in for photo pass and left Monday night. Subsequent years was there Wednesday thru Monday night. ( had to go back fixing telephone lines on Tuesday morning). That was the time of Pro cars having unlimited attempts on making the field, make a run and service the car in the staging lanes. Went in the early 90's Friday night to Monday. The last times I have been there drove over Saturday, arrived about 2pm, checked in near the airport motels and usualy snuck in the east side of the track for the last round of qualifying that day. I liked to park at the lot on the southeast corner of IRP across from that gate. Got there at sun-up and it made a short trip back to the truck for a little break during the day. Bonus getting early was a front row parking spot for $20 bucks. INDY was $10, but you had to walkabout a 1/2 mile to the gate. I understand from what I've seen parking is free at IRP this ytear.