Wilk Ninth After First Day At Gainesville (1 Viewer)

Tim Wilkerson went 1-for-2 on a stunning Friday in Gainesville, running a solid 4.139 in Q1, which placed him in the final pair in Q2. That final pairing had to wait out a long clean-up right in front of them, and the delay certainly made Wilk's early tire smoke anticlimactic.

Having been as high as 4th in the rankings, Wilk slipped to the No. 9 spot overnight.

"The first one was one of those Q1s you're always looking for," Wilk said. "You want to get out there on a track you haven't been on, and still go right down through there with a decent time on the board. When you do that, you've supposedly set yourself up to get a little better with every run after that, but we obviously messed up in Q2 and it never had a chance.

"If there's one place on our car and in our tune-up where we're just consistently inconsistent, it's in the clutch. For a few years how, we've had a real hard time getting our clutch wear to be where we want it, from lap to lap. It's like there are demons in the bell housing, and we can go from crazy wear to absolutely no wear from lap to lap. We'll just keep plugging away at it and try to sneak up on this thing. Tomorrow, we'll have Dick Levi and a whole bunch of Diversified Yacht Services people with us in the pit, so we'll try to make sure they have a shipshape good time."

From: Bob Wilber

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