What is the deal with Warren Johnson? (2 Viewers)

I'll say this one time and one time only. How you feel about WJ,his program & if he should hang it up is how you view the man. In other words,if you don't like him or what he has to say,you more than likely to say he should quit. If you like him,you're likely to defend him and his desire to continue till he's ready to quit. I've been around WJ many times and I have yet to see a side of him I don't like. Like Pat said,until you know the man,you should respect what he's accomplished and done for the sport of drag racing. Let's use this for example,with no offense and with all due respect,let's call for Gordie Rivera and Jim Cunningham to quit. After all,they're old and not winning races are they? No but they are having fun and doing what they like to do,just like WJ.
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...or....he could stop his in house R&D and begin leasing motors from the other Johnson...Roy! He's guaranteed to qualify running a Johnson HEMI. ;)
Warren in a MOPAR, I don't ever see that happening:eek:

.........................but then again, Glidden ran one at one point in his career.
Until you visit WJ at his shop, have lunch with him or have a conversation in his trailer or yours you will never understand his passion for Pro Stock. I have done all of the fore mentioned and I understand.

If you look at 1-16 (and higher) on the final points tally for the last 40+ years you’ll see the people that share/shared his same passion. Some did it on their own dime or capabilities 100% and some bought their way there. Either way I don’t care, I respect them all as they are doing it or did it.

There are no arm rests in a Pro Stck Car but there are a lot of them in front of Keyboards. The same holds true for Porting Benches, Flow Benches, Dynos...ect.
I used to be a Warren fan-for the fact of how hard working hes was-back in the days of 1 man teams-but things are different nowadays-everyone has crews and guys back at the shop--have you EVER heard him thank them? And hes had no problem bashing former employees (remember the "some punk-a** kid"comment about Geffrion? or the "taught him everthing" comment about Anderson?) I also recall an interview with him years ago-when asked what was his favorite race car " I dont have favorites-these are tools-when its time for a new one I get a new one and get rid of the old-racing is my JOB."
Calling fuel racers " the whiney 1/2% of all draging racing" (which btw were 50% of the 4 wide racers) isn't suprising-its just the latest in blaming/bashing hes been doing for years whenever he isnt winning.
I used to be a Warren fan-for the fact of how hard working hes was-back in the days of 1 man teams-but things are different nowadays-everyone has crews and guys back at the shop--have you EVER heard him thank them? And hes had no problem bashing former employees (remember the "some punk-a** kid"comment about Geffrion? or the "taught him everthing" comment about Anderson?) I also recall an interview with him years ago-when asked what was his favorite race car " I dont have favorites-these are tools-when its time for a new one I get a new one and get rid of the old-racing is my JOB."
Calling fuel racers " the whiney 1/2% of all draging racing" (which btw were 50% of the 4 wide racers) isn't suprising-its just the latest in blaming/bashing hes been doing for years whenever he isnt winning.

I remember him referring (on camera) to Dodges as "Jeeps". I wonder what he calls them now...as they drive past him towards the stripe.

Back in the 80's Warren made me a huge fan of Bob Glidden. I've never owned a Ford, but I certainly rooted for them with vigor back then. I miss Glidden. Now I'm a Greg Anderson fan. On that note...if Warren really taught Greg everything he knew, Greg wouldn't have been quicker and faster than Warren for the past 10 years. Think about it. Geez...how arrogant.
On that note...if Warren really taught Greg everything he knew, Greg wouldn't have been quicker and faster than Warren for the past 10 years. Think about it. Geez...how arrogant.

Whether any of you like it or not, WJ taught GA a ton, I can assure you. If you don't believe that, you've absolutely got your head in the sand. That being said, GA no doubt took that knowledge with him when he went out on his own. WJ shouldn't have any issues with him wanting to pursue his dream, but on the flipside I'm sure the comments he made back then were more out of frustration more than anything since that knowledge was going with him.

When GA initially went out on his own, he really didn't run any better than Warren. Shortly thereafter, however, the fruits of the KB dollars starting shining through, and the rest is history. Those dollars opened up doors that hadn't been opened before and everyone knows it. I'm not saying that GA shouldn't have capitalized on those opportunities, but he also shouldn't be given credit for knowing more than Warren when he left, either.

Warren is Warren, period. Like Mike said, we don't call for Gordie's license for not winning races. You can not like him all you want, but if you have no respect for what he's accomplished, then there simply isn't much hope for ya'. He's accomplished more than most ever will and would certainly take anyone on this board to school in any aspect of the game.

And by the way, I'm not necessarily a WJ fan. I grew up idolizing the efforts of the Arlington, Texas trio, but WJ has certainly earned my respect, that's for sure.

Sean D
I don't hear anyone calling for the Greek to retire ... he is a fair bit older and going a fair bit faster than WJ to boot. Like WJ, he doesn't win very much these days. The Greek is usually lauded for his efforts, but WJ is vilified?

We can't have it both ways folks. We can't sit here and bemoan drivers for being vanilla and boring and then soon as one of them says something interesting pounce all over them.

I hope WJ drives for as long as he wants. He's the one with the skin in the game and a lot of skins on the wall ...
I think its time for Warren to retire,very tardy off the line almost all the time,maybe he should tune KJ?

That is your opinion and you are welcome to it. Here is mine: I think you should retire. Too many people selling jap crap in our country. Maybe you should be a Ford dealer. Also, try spell check.
All you have to do is walk in the office @ the WJ Ent. shop and see the complete wall from floor to ceiling filled with Wally's and various other trophy's to fully understand his career. I don't think he really cares how some of you feel and why should he? I could tell stories of some of my encounters with other drag racers and their attitudes. At an Atlanta race a couple of years ago,a certain T/F driver was @ his T-Shirt trailer and the look he had signing autographs was beyond disgust. He acted like he had rather be anywhere but signing stuff his fans bought. You would be surprised with the public fake demeanor of some drivers and the private demeanor of the same driver,it's a sight to see.
All you have to do is walk in the office @ the WJ Ent. shop and see the complete wall from floor to ceiling filled with Wally's and various other trophy's to fully understand his career. I don't think he really cares how some of you feel and why should he? I could tell stories of some of my encounters with other drag racers and their attitudes. At an Atlanta race a couple of years ago,a certain T/F driver was @ his T-Shirt trailer and the look he had signing autographs was beyond disgust. He acted like he had rather be anywhere but signing stuff his fans bought. You would be surprised with the public fake demeanor of some drivers and the private demeanor of the same driver,it's a sight to see.

Bingo Mike!! That is so true. Some of these 'successful' drivers can be bigger whiners than anyone if their world throws them a curve ball. Warren will never give the practiced big end interview like we all are subject to every telecast. When he is asked a question or his opinion, he will give you his honest thoughts. Whining and negative? Depends on the mind of the listener how it is percieved. Off the cuff and true? Every single time. Practiced and scripted? Never. Well thought out? Always.
I have met him and sat with him for an afternoon. I also thought (before that day) that he was a grumpy old man. Never again, He is a business man, doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth, very, very kind and polite, and extremely smart.
I don't have an opinion about if/when/should/ he retire. I just know that he is what he is, take it or leave it. He won't lose a moment sleep one way or the other about it. He got where he is being himself. Give the man a little credit.
I'll say this one time and one time only. How you feel about WJ,his program & if he should hang it up is how you view the man. In other words,if you don't like him or what he has to say,you more than likely to say he should quit. If you like him,you're likely to defend him and his desire to continue till he's ready to quit. I've been around WJ many times and I have yet to see a side of him I don't like. Like Pat said,until you know the man,you should respect what he's accomplished and done for the sport of drag racing. Let's use this for example,with no offense and with all due respect,let's call for Gordie Rivera and Jim Cunningham to quit. After all,they're old and not winning races are they? No but they are having fun and doing what they like to do,just like WJ.

wow !! over 4 post defending wj and not one swipe at greg anderson !! ..... are u feeling ok ?! :p
Yeah,I'm fine,just getting old I guess.:) Beings you brought it up,they are having a little slump too huh?:rolleyes:

i wouldnt call it a slump, they are still one of the fastest and quickest teams out there, its just that mike edwards is making everyone look like there in a slump, which brings me to this- when greg anderson dominated EXACTLY like mike edwards is now, all we heard from the haters was- nitrous nitrous nitrous and he stole w.js black book, how come we dont hear that EXACT same thing now with mike????? ill wait for the explaination, maybe now all the haters can see how ubsurd the talk was, mike and his team are hard workers and a class act, all great teams i.e the johnson, summit team, cagnazzi, edwards team dominate for a few . but i do like your post mike about lots of big name guys being whinners. ive seen it also first hand, especially in the t-shirt trailers.
i wouldnt call it a slump, they are still one of the fastest and quickest teams out there, its just that mike edwards is making everyone look like there in a slump, which brings me to this- when greg anderson dominated EXACTLY like mike edwards is now, all we heard from the haters was- nitrous nitrous nitrous and he stole w.js black book, how come we dont hear that EXACT same thing now with mike????? ill wait for the explaination, maybe now all the haters can see how ubsurd the talk was, mike and his team are hard workers and a class act, all great teams i.e the johnson, summit team, cagnazzi, edwards team dominate for a few . but i do like your post mike about lots of big name guys being whinners. ive seen it also first hand, especially in the t-shirt trailers.

You sir are dead wrong if you're implying that I said anything of the sort. I defy you to find a post/thread etc. where I EVER said they were using n2o. If you're going to find it,better get started because it's not there. You are again dead wrong about me saying GA "stole" WJ's run log book. What I did say was that an employee of WJ's left to work for GA and took the book as he was walking out the door. When that happened,I was the one who broke the story right here on Mater. I got it from Corporate if you know what I mean. When I posted it,I never said GA "stole" anything but told what happened and anybody could decide for themselves what to believe. As far as Edwards using n2o,don't all of the P/S'ers that win use it?:rolleyes: WJ has been accused of using it,some call him Frosty but has he EVER been caught using it? don't think so. I'll even go as far as to say you can't find a post or thread where I ever said that GA cheated. So,you have a big job on your hands,better get started.
You sir are dead wrong if you're implying that I said anything of the sort. I defy you to find a post/thread etc. where I EVER said they were using n2o. If you're going to find it,better get started because it's not there. You are again dead wrong about me saying GA "stole" WJ's run log book. What I did say was that an employee of WJ's left to work for GA and took the book as he was walking out the door. When that happened,I was the one who broke the story right here on Mater. I got it from Corporate if you know what I mean. When I posted it,I never said GA "stole" anything but told what happened and anybody could decide for themselves what to believe. As far as Edwards using n2o,don't all of the P/S'ers that win use it?:rolleyes: WJ has been accused of using it,some call him Frosty but has he EVER been caught using it? don't think so. I'll even go as far as to say you can't find a post or thread where I ever said that GA cheated. So,you have a big job on your hands,better get started.

well, pro stock know it all, ive said it because there are a ton of greg haters on here, it seems you are always negative when it comes to team summit.yes we all have our favorites, but i assume you do know how stupid some say when the nitrous talk goes around . ive always been and will continue to be a warren johnson fan, everyone should repect him if nothing else, but you and others have to give the summit team thier due, they have built a great team with great people. theyve won championships and lots of races from hard work despite rule changes- i.e- exotic metals, computer timing changes. ect ect . the black book thing IM NOT BUYIN IT! im sure w.j ent has a better system for thier countless runs and years than a black book.!! i know a lil about pro stock also . :cool: give ALL of the teams that win thier due !
well, pro stock know it all, ive said it because there are a ton of greg haters on here, it seems you are always negative when it comes to team summit.yes we all have our favorites, but i assume you do know how stupid some say when the nitrous talk goes around . ive always been and will continue to be a warren johnson fan, everyone should repect him if nothing else, but you and others have to give the summit team thier due, they have built a great team with great people. theyve won championships and lots of races from hard work despite rule changes- i.e- exotic metals, computer timing changes. ect ect . the black book thing IM NOT BUYIN IT! im sure w.j ent has a better system for thier countless runs and years than a black book.!! i know a lil about pro stock also . :cool: give ALL of the teams that win thier due !

That's typical,your insults carry no weight with me. I'm not a P/S know it all,just a fan who keeps up with it. You were quoting me with the n2o talk,so I responded,now it was others saying it. I think you need to get it right before you start accusing. As far as the theft goes,there was a police report filed and that pretty much confirms what happened. I choose to give props to the ones I feel need it,not because they win or dominate. If WJ/KJ don't win,it really doesn't matter to me who does. I had a nice conversation with GA @ Atlanta last year and he didn't have a problem with me or at least he didn't say anything if he did. Now,before you go saying they don't read this stuff,yes they do. Jason came up to me @ Memphis a couple of years ago after the black book thief pointed me out to him. The black book thief remembered me from my visits to the WJ shop and the races. Jason shook my hand,said that he didn't always agree with what I had to say but I had the right to say it. He even called me Mr. Poole,now that's a class guy.:)
There are folks who are worse interviews when they win-some blame the world when they lose. Heres who we need to get out of retirement:

Introducing the Eddie Hill school of race etiquette! :D
Where we'll teach you how to interview when you win so you sound like you are really glad to be there--and not be "in you face"
And how to smile and go "aw shucks" when you loose
How to remember to thank everyone that helpped you that day
How to thank the lord without sounding "preachy"
The best way to thanks sponsors so you sound like a friend giving advice rahter than a mindless commercial
How to smile + say hello to everyone you make eye contact with-and how to realize that the autograph you're signing might have real meaning to the person you're giving it to.
So you dont forget-call before midnite tonite to 1-800-hotdog.
Thank you--and ya'll have a nice day!:)
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