I sure know I get sick of writing the same stories over and over. We had an early primary here (Aug. 21) so we had an early filing deadline (June 8) so I've been writing about the November election since May. Pretty much every other week since May. It's easy. You get stuck in a rut. And it's hard to get out. But, if you want to break out of the rut, you can.
Sometimes a great story drops in your lap and other times you have to go out and dig around for them. I'm just a twice weekly community newspaper reporter. ESPN2 has more creativity and resources than I'll ever have at my disposal and as a journalist it's disappointing to see that the decision-makers at ESPN2 won't try harder to get out of the current rut it's in ...
Though I know John K and Dave Reif are trying hard to give us other angles, voices and perspectives, it would be awesome to not think to myself, "Sweet, so and so got to the semis maybe,
just maybe they'll actually do a top end interview with him/her now."
So, yes, ESPN2 please try to break out of the rut. Please. I'm at a point now where if I record coverage I just fast forward through interviews because it's the same stuff over and over.
By the way, Paul Page actually doesn't bother me at all anymore. He's the least of my complaints.
Of course, I would much rather have this coverage than none at all.