Today's Cool Site - how fast is your connection? (1 Viewer)


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Today's Cool Site...
How fast is your connection?

When you sign up for Internet service, you’re promised quick downloads.
But does your service live up to the claims? You might think that there’s no way to find your connection’s speed.

But Speedtest can tell you. Pick a server. The site will test both download and upload speeds.

Hopefully, your connection speed will match your Internet service provider’s promises. Try a few servers.
TO VISIT TODAY'S COOL SITE, GO HERE: - The Global Broadband Speed Test
As an engineer for the local cable internet provider, I can tell you these sites are bogus. I am in the office plugged into our OC192 backbone via a GigE connection, and it said my download was only 2.4M and my upload was only 2.3M with a latency of 103ms. Those results are laffable, if not downright fraudulent.

Try a side by side test, run this speedtest site, and then try our speedtest site that we direct our customers to, Cox Las Vegas Speed Test, then comapre and contrast the results. If you are on a dial up, you likely won't see any difference, but if you are on a Broadband connection, I think you will be surprised by how different the results are.
As an engineer for the local cable internet provider, I can tell you these sites are bogus. I am in the office plugged into our OC192 backbone via a GigE connection, and it said my download was only 2.4M and my upload was only 2.3M with a latency of 103ms. Those results are laffable, if not downright fraudulent.

Try a side by side test, run this speedtest site, and then try our speedtest site that we direct our customers to, Cox Las Vegas Speed Test, then comapre and contrast the results. If you are on a dial up, you likely won't see any difference, but if you are on a Broadband connection, I think you will be surprised by how different the results are.

Thanks for the link Chris

My results from your link......

speedtest.jpg results:

Download: 4931 kbps
Upload: 360 kbps
Latency: 33 ms

Cox LV Speed Test results:

Download: 4.91 Mbps
Upload: 362 kbps
Upload Burst: 560 kbps
Round Trip Time: 64 s
Max Pause: 21 ms

That's about as close to the same as you can get..LOL!
It all depends on the line between you and the server you're running the test on. On the cox site I got 10.3MB/566kbps, to LA I get 6.2/557
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