I didn't like the idea of 1000' racing, and after seeing it live this weekend I have only 1 word....YAWN!! We took notes and an informal poll, and while we heard the BS about better racing, less downtime etc... the majority (by far) could not stand it. Mind you we watch from the finish line terrace which used to be one of the best vantage points in Drag Racing (at least in my opinion). Now instead of being between 1200' & the stripe you are 300' past the 1000' line. For the first time in 40 years of attending NHRA national events I sat in the shade while the fuel cars ran. Maybe at other tracks where you sit from the tree to 1/2 track it might look ok. Race day was a little better, but my group has always been numbers and history oriented, and the numbers are insignificant. Larry Dixon had the comment of the weekend when informed by Alan that he had run a 3.88 "is that a good number Alan, cause I really don't know". A couple of other notes: Round 1 of qualifying featured 22 of the 33 fuel cars being "dragged off" after stopping short of the turn off, and only 9 of the 30 fuel races on Sunday were close. The better side by side racing analogy is ridiculous (if it's close at 1000' it should be close at the quarter), and the "drag offs" of tracks that are long enough make up for a few less oil downs. I can see limiting the cars to 1000' at Pomona, E-Town, Denver etc.., but Sonoma, Indy, Vegas, Dallas etc are plenty long, and if the crewchiefs are truly running the cars the same (LOL) it should'nt be a big deal. I guess we will be doing a few extra rounds of golf during the "Big Go almost to the real finish line".