Think you fellow maters can help with, uh, something? (2 Viewers)


Nitro Member
Hopefully, people will keep the snarky comments to a minimum. This is the lounge, after all.

As many of you know online dating is pretty popular. I use it simply as another avenue in addition to meeting people in person.

So, with that in mind what do you think of this stud on Plenty of Fish - NHRAguy82 Computers, auto racing, cars, music, movies,
:D Yes, that's me.

I also have a profile that has the same text, but it's waiting to get "approved."

What's your opinion? Think it's good?
Met my wife through online dating, nothing wrong with it at all. It's like a smorg from your living room.

You'll probably meet some "winners" along the way but thats life in the dating world anyways.
You it is: I've re-worded a few things that as a woman would "bug" me and make it sound a little more appealing. Haha good luck and let me know how you make out..not literally ;) I deleted the unnecessary extra words...too many First Off's..

I am a New York boy that moved to Florida a few years ago. If you like someone who isn't afraid to speak his mind and tell it like it is while still being able to have fun then lets talk.

I work as a tech support rep and also freelance whenever I can. I enjoy concerts, movies what kind of movies? horror, chick flicks, parties, etc., but also like to stay at home and unwind. Besides computers, my hobbies are photography, music, and food. I enjoy any food that tastes good with the exception of what some people consider delicacies – translation = “weird”.
My main hobby is cars - I'm a big car nut, especially for anything that has a V8 engine and rear-wheel drive, and I am a HUGE fan of professional ?drag racing (username big enough indication for ‘ya?).
People also say I have a big memory for jokes inside my head, I read ‘em and store ‘em.

I refuse to be politically correct, unless circumstances warrant it and I “tell it like it is.” If you ask me a question, be prepared for a truthful response.

I have short hair but
A) I live in FL where there are two seasons: “Hot” and “Hot and Rainy”
B) I refuse to go bald.

Now, on to the opposite sex:

1. Must be between 19 and 26 - I don’t mind going a little older.
2. Must be able to carry on an intelligent conversation.
3. Women that look like Nicole Richie are not appealing to me. I like women that have curves and are “healthy looking.” are you trying to say big boobs haha?Note that is NOT the same as what people refer to as BBW, of which I am also not interested in.
4. You must post a picture. It only takes a few minutes to put up a picture.
5. I don’t smoke, but if you do, please don’t smoke in my car, in my house, or at our table in a restaurant. It’s not picking on you, its common courtesy and respect.
6. If you aren't interested in motorsports, particularly drag racing, please don't belittle me. It's happened in the past and I don't care to repeat.

That's it for now. If any of this interests you just message me and we can chat.
I'll have to keep those in mind, thanks!

This made me laugh:

are you trying to say big boobs haha?

LOL, I didn't intend it that way and I don't purposefully look for the busty ones, but many of the girls online and off that I view as "healthy looking" that I am attracted to (there's no easy way to say this) are usually are pretty chesty.

I consider it a "fringe benefit." :D
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Cheryl, I edited my profile a little bit.

At least your advice was better than a guy on POF's forums:

I hate to say this (really i do) but no matter what you write, or the style you use, it won't make any difference because you are not an attractive guy.

:mad: By the way, this is coming from a guy who refuses to post his picture. :rolleyes:
Cheryl, I edited my profile a little bit.

At least your advice was better than a guy on POF's forums:

:mad: By the way, this is coming from a guy who refuses to post his picture. :rolleyes:

Yeah, one can only imagine what he really looks like - can you say Quasimoto?? (no disrespect to the original Quasi)
I was just perusing that website - omg, is all I can say. I put in my zipcode and saw what was out there. I sure hope I never have to date again :)
3. Women that look like Nicole Richie are not appealing to me. I like women that have curves and are “healthy looking.” are you trying to say big boobs haha?Note that is NOT the same as what people refer to as BBW, of which I am also not interested in.

Cheryl I think the answer is.....YES!!!!:eek:
This needs a correction. Was?? I think you meant "as". Good luck in your search. :cool:

"Note that is NOT the same was what people call BBWs"
Come on Sam, don't limit yourself...the fatties need loving too. :D

It makes me chuckle too when I see a fairly overweight girl that thinks she's "healthy." I wish I would have saved a funny list that somebody made up about online dating and the terms females use and their 'actual' meanings because it sure hits the mark a lot of the time. :p
My God, Is this what dating has come too these days?
In my time if we saw a girl we liked we just hit her with the club and dragged her into the cave, seems a lot simpler to me!!!:):eek::eek:
Ick! I tried the online dating thing last winter after Daniel and I broke up. One thing I re-learned......people are not very honest. Oh, and I didn't need the online thing to remind me. I found that out with guys I meet the old fashioned way, too. I don't understand why it's so difficult just to be straight with people. Why lie? :rolleyes:
Just put on there that you're a fiscal conservative/capitalist and see what happens to your results! :D

Best pick up line I ever heard. "You know? It doesn't do any good to inherit six million dollars when you've got a soft heart." :)
Well I changed my profile around to basically say the same thing but a little less confrontational.

However, almost all the girls that can be universally considered "attractive" I emailed do the "read and delete" dance. I'm no Brad Pitt but can hold my own but it's like those women want a meathead (which I am not) and/or a millionaire (again, I am not). Shallow b*tches. :mad:

It must also be pointed out that the site has a feature where people can rate your picture, my highest ratings came from the... 35-45 yr old bracket! Noting bad about women that age but that's a little out of my age range. :eek:
I've never met a woman when I was looking for one, or at least one I would say had any quality to her. If you're looking, I think there's desperation that shows through no matter how you try to hide it. If you focus on being happy with yourself/your life first, then I think you'll be more confident, attractive to others, and have a better chance of ending up with someone you'll actually WANT to be with. Most people don't want what (or who) they can easily have.

While I think being a capitalist is actually a good character trait (because it'll build your work ethic when you're busting your butt coming up from the bottom), I WAS joking about the shallow stuff! :D
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