my friends call me Zappy
Nitro Member
I've read all your posts. No disrespect but it sounds like you didn't see what happened or don't understand the timing system. Nobody was ever fully staged (car A). After a stage light "flicker" (that was not caused by "car A" in car A's lane...and should not have activated autostart under any circimstances), car A finally stages after about 6 seconds and in less than 3 tenths of a second the tree activates. The scenario you posted above has nothing to do with what actually happened.
Randy, John was indeed fully staged, or he too would have red lighted.
Thiel never staged, thus the red light.
My understanding of autostart is; after 3 lights are lit (at the same time)the timer starts.
Had thiel NOT lit his pre-stage, then John could have lit both his lights and Thiel would have been in control of when the timer started.
Am I wrong??