The Surprising Story Behind the Rocketeer (1 Viewer)

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Nitro Member
Sep 14, 2006
I found out some information about the Rocketeer Dragster that I did not know. I thought the car was built around the movie the Rocketeer but it turns out that's not the case. Go to Cap Racing Home Page to read the rest of the story.
Hey Rich, I saw a pic of a Nostalgia FC from one of the recent events, called the Rocketeer, any relation?
I remember when Jon first built that car. I was announcing at Speedworld at the time. It was one of the coolest sportsman dragsters I had ever seen. He ran the car in the Southwest Super Eliminator Series which was a 7.90 class. If my memory serves me correctly there was a metal Rocketeer figure on the on/off switch. The detail on the car was so far over the top and way cool.

I like announcing the SWSE class because they had beautiful fast cars. This was one, another was Denny Hills Arizona state flag car. Great memories of the mid 90's...

I think it is great that Raymond's memory still continues today.

No relation with the Rocketeer funny car but I did spend some time with them at Bakersfield and they have a great car and marketing program. They run their program just like I run mine. We share the same name and it's all good.

As for the rocket ship switch, NHRA made me take it off as they were worried about someone cutting their hand on it.
There would seem to be some sort of trojan atached to the link in ARBEE's first post. I'm convinced it isn't ARBEE's fault, someone else has done it. But it went into a "there is a virus infecting your computer" window that popped up, and it wouldn't let me do anything else once it appeared.

Be careful.
OK, I tried it one more time, and got to the intended website.

I don't mean to scare anyone, but I'll check my computer to make sure I don't have anything here locally that is causing problems.

Sorry Rich.
Wow Rich.

That's a great story.

Through various life experiences, I've become convinced over the years that there is NO SUCH THING as a coincidence.

Thus, your purchase of the car seems to me to be a perfect fit.

Great information.
Hey Justin, in '97 I was living in AZ and helped a buddy, Vito Adragna run in the 7.90 class. Had a lot of fun. Also helped his brother Danny, in a TAD at Firebird one time. Great memories.
I have heard people complain about a virus alert when going to my site. A few weeks ago I had Nitromater's own Shannon Timm look into it and the service provider scanned the site and found no virus on any file. I'm sorry if any one has had this happen to them.
Kinda takes you back to his rants over at the old Nitronic site, the man was devoted to his cause, I could just never figure out what it was.

Franklin was/ is an amature aerodynamics afficianado that believed that throwings all kinds of tabs, bubbles and wings on an arrow would make it go faster :rolleyes:...

Great concept thinker for the Salt- couldn't quite stay out of an argument when it came to the quarter mile tho....
I got a kick out of Franklin. Couldn't understand why he was so disliked other than the fact that he was a little on the bizzar side of racing.
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The "RETRO-ROCKET" was on PASS TIME and screwed up on the starting line and double stepped it. Then ran about an 11.49 ET....great looking car !
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