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The reason for no injected nitro flops in NHRA

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That is a great story, Bobby. I, however, love the Alcohol Funny Cars just the way they are - Funny Cars that run on Alcohol. The pros are enough nitro for me.
Going back to the Pro-Comp days in the mid-70's, I miss A/FC... used to be a lot of injected nitro floppers... I'd love to see them run head to head with the BB/FC's

That is a great story, and Scott and family are a great group of racers. I wish they were still out there, especially with the short TF fields.
That is a great story, Bobby. I, however, love the Alcohol Funny Cars just the way they are - Funny Cars that run on Alcohol. The pros are enough nitro for me.

Agreed, the Car counts are Higher than the TAD's at some races anymore. The Car counts in TAD has plummeted in the last 10-15 years since the A/Fuel cars took over.
Go to the story and get a look at the low profile rear tires that they tried running on that thing!!!
I saw Scott run that car at the Empire Nats here in upstate NY that year. It really thundered. I, too, miss the A/F FCs, and it's a shame because like their dragster counterparts, they have been around as long as FCs. When Pro Comp started in'73-'74, Veney had a one that was a wild, low slung Vega. But even before that, I remember a circuit here in the northeast that ran when I was a little kid, with guys like Gene Altizer. I know this topic has been beaten to death, but I still say that because of all that the NHRA has gone through keeping parity in the TAD class, it would be easier to ballpark a combo for the TAFC class. Believe me, I know there would be as much of a fight against it as for it, but I still wish it would happen.

maybe we're just two lost voices in the wilderness... personally, I'd like to see the two junior fuel classes run under the same rules, including weight less 100 pounds as the blown nitro cars... except that they could run 'pure' pop if they wanted to. But separate from Top Alky, give them a class of their own and stop trying to equalize apples and oranges.

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Hey Karl, if you're like me, ya' can't ever have too many nitro cars. How about adding fuel to those little slingshots (A/ND) in Comp Eliminator? When my dad raced Comp long ago, the faster classes were in Super Eliminator, I guess the forerunner to Pro Comp. That's where there were junior fuelers, Inj. Fuel FC's, AA/FAs and even unblown A/FAs!

maybe we're just two lost voices in the wilderness... personally, I'd like to see the two junior fuel classes run under the same rules, including weight less 100 pounds as the blown nitro cars... except that they could run 'pure' pop if they wanted to. But separate from Top Alky, give them a class of their own and stop trying to equalize apples and oranges.


Ill second that one. Let the A/F guys go as fast and as hard as safety permits, and give the blown alcohol guys a class of their own.

But separate from Top Alky, give them a class of their own and stop trying to equalize apples and oranges.


DING-DING-DING We Have a winner folks. Yes bring on injected nitro, but NOT against alky or Blown cars. End the never ending parity problems.

It doesn't work in TAD, it did'nt work in Pro-Comp. Start with 8-car fields if need be till more are built.
Inj. nitro vs Inj. nitro
Blown nitro vs. Blown nitro

FC vs FC
Dragster vs. Dragster
it's simple.
That is the one thing that frustrates me sometimes. We go faster and they (NHRA) keep taking Nitro away from us to slow us down to keep pace with alcohol cars....I have nothing against blown alcohol cars or the competition they bring, but lets get two different classes where they can stop being frustrated and we can stop being frustrated and everyone can go as fast as they want and still be safe and happy....Just my 2 meaningless pennies for the day.
give the blown alcohol guys a class of their own.

That might have worked several years ago, but the majority of people who ran B/AD have sold everything off and either quit racing or switched to A/FD. Look at the fields trying to qualify at the National events, the average number of B/AD entries are 5.75. There were only 4 races that had more than 8 entries. The average at Divisional races would be less than that.:(
That might have worked several years ago, but the majority of people who ran B/AD have sold everything off and either quit racing or switched to A/FD. Look at the fields trying to qualify at the National events, the average number of B/AD entries are 5.75. There were only 4 races that had more than 8 entries. The average at Divisional races would be less than that.:(

and if there wasn't a series sponsor you would have neither. people forget that if you split the class. without another separate series sponsor you would have to split the existing purse. look whats happened to pro mod and IHRA a/fc. they were both almost doomed to extinction. What does it say when the only blown car in division four is trying to sell with spares turn key that will run guaranteed low thirties for only a hundred grand with no takers for six months now?
hmmm, if blown nitro cars are unsafe to run injected nitro.

let the alky classes run blowers.

then you've got the nitro cars running a little faster than the 'sportsman' alky cars, and everyone's happy.

Back in the day,,,,1970s, I know there was a mix of blown and injected nitro at the f/c meets at NED. I never knew the difference at the time.
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