This Angelle bashing is just getting stupid. I cannot believe how emotional some people seem to get when they are b*tching about Angelle's emotions. Do any of you that get your rocks off bashing her even know her? Many people don't have any idea of all the crap she has had to endure in her life. Anybody ever have their spouse put a loaded gun to their head? Anybody put most of their money into a business that began to fail? I could go on with more but I won't. Is it possible that Angelle gets so emotional over Drag Racing because this is her only form of release from all of the crap in her life? What is the big deal about showing emotion? You guys get on her because she crys when she wins, she crys when she looses, she crys etc. BIG DEAL!!! Was it wrong when Billy Meyer was in tears in 1982 when he beat Don Prudhomme in the semi-finals at Indy? Was it wrong when John Force cried when he won the Bud Shootout in 1987? How about when Shirley's crew was in tears after she made her last run? How about when Don Garlits was in tears when he finally made a 4 second run at over 300 MPH? Do you get my point or do you need more examples? Hey, if you don't like Angelle, great. You are entitled to your opinion. But don't dislike somebody just because they cry. Grow up for Christ's sake.