Cliff - the nostalgia cars with centrifugal clutches are extremely slow reacting. If you look at the R/T's, in NFC (for example), most of the cars with those clutches are .120+. The ones under .100 are almost all pedal clutches. Speaking for myself, I have shown I can go .04-.06 consistently with a pedal clutch, .00-.02 with a converter drive, but I have only ever gone under .100 once with the centrifugal clutch. I can show you computer data that shows a huge delay in the time between the engine gaining rpm and the driveshaft moving. I was trying my darndest to catch good lights at the MM and my best was a .128. Until recently, only a few knew how to make a pedal clutch work on an NFC. But, more are figuring it out. I know that I am seriously considering making the plunge. But, I don't have enough budget or close tracks to adequately sort it out, so I am still on the fence.I was looking at Elims and noticed that most of the R/T in T/F and F/C were really kinda horrible. Was wondering if that is because of the way the cars are set up? I wish there were more AA/FD, the class has come down to a handful.
Lyle, congrats on your win, and like Justin said, your ride is Bitchin'!!Cliff - the nostalgia cars with centrifugal clutches are extremely slow reacting. If you look at the R/T's, in NFC (for example), most of the cars with those clutches are .120+. The ones under .100 are almost all pedal clutches. Speaking for myself, I have shown I can go .04-.06 consistently with a pedal clutch, .00-.02 with a converter drive, but I have only ever gone under .100 once with the centrifugal clutch. I can show you computer data that shows a huge delay in the time between the engine gaining rpm and the driveshaft moving. I was trying my darndest to catch good lights at the MM and my best was a .128. Until recently, only a few knew how to make a pedal clutch work on an NFC. But, more are figuring it out. I know that I am seriously considering making the plunge. But, I don't have enough budget or close tracks to adequately sort it out, so I am still on the fence.
Lyle Greenberg
THANK YOU!!!Lyle, I'm an NTF guy, but you sure do have a BITCHIN' hot rod!!!