Not quite, at least in my case. I fully get that lots of people are a whole lot richer than I'll ever be. I remember meeting Terry Chandler at Seattle last year and thinking how truly lucky we as drag racing fans are that she loves our sport. My son is a huge fan of Tony Shoe (another rich kid) who may well be one of the nicest racers I've ever met. You think Alex Laughlin is poor or ever had to worry about money? How about Tom McEwen? The people I listed along with pretty much everyone who races for a living is better off than I am and I have no problem with that. I'm happy with my life and the choices I've made. I was lucky enough to be able to buy my kid a car he wanted, which is far nicer than anything my dad could have afforded when I was young. I did it because my son appreciates it and if I ever saw or heard of him kicking the fender over ANYTHING it would not end well for his car ownership. Good parenting is good parenting, regardless of your bank statement.