Nitro Member
Shouldn't have any effect at all since those aren't transmitting, only receiving.
My thoughts exactly
Shouldn't have any effect at all since those aren't transmitting, only receiving.
Did this scenario affect you directly? Stop worrying about things that did not directly affect you and more importantly that you have no control over the outcome or resolution.
Everybody stand back.....
I have the answer....
Besides discrete frequencies involved, issues are always present with electronic control of anything...let-alone the wireless broadcasting and reception of such...
I suggest we go to a mechanical safety back up....
Hot Wheel-like pits in the shutdown lanes with aircraft carrier arrestor hooks, and of course, drivers capsules like dragboats, that way, the hook grabs the car, the car slows too fast, the capsule spits out of the car like a cherry pit between your fingers....and a second finishline to record the "bonus" finish....which can be rolled into the NHRA countdown points....
Let me know....I'm gonna go patent it....
Hey I'll give NHRA credit for allowing him a rerun.
The alcohol and pro mod one is a different distance because they still go the full 1/4 mile, but I don't recall how far it is. And yes, I'll be behind the wheel of the Chi-Town at Byron.