Hey Cole, I just remembered to check out your blog again so I could download the tracks and now it shows that track 25 is missing. Seems like Wordpress likes to pick on your blog for some reason.
One thing I really like about you Brent is that you are nothing if not thorough! Suffice it to say, you keep both me and Wordpress honest, and you have my appreciation for that....
Check it: The missing sound file can be found here:
Fueler With A Pedal Clutch THE BIG SOUNDS OF THE DRAGS 2001
It is pretty much straight, unadulterated audio drag porn (albeit a rare sound): a Top Fuel car w/ a pedal clutch.
ps: For whatever it's worth, I don't consider the site a blog, but more of an archive. Although Wordpress was designed more or less for bloggers, I use it to archive various works (including those of others that I have the rights to....)
To that end, among the stuff I archived recently was
my great, great grandfather's Civil War memoirs, which includes his remembrances of Second Manassas, Antietam, Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg, Spotsylvania, the Wilderness, the Siege of Petersburg, etc...
I think it is necessary to have this stuff archived and searchable on the web, and WordPress is fairly seamless way to do it.... I wish more near- or out-of-print works were available online.
Can you imagine if Robert C. Post's "High Performance: The Culture and Technology of Drag Racing 1950-1990" was at our greasy fingertips that way?