I forgot completely about WJ. So let's put five up there.Just like any Mt. Rushmore conversation there will be locks and there will be some that barely make the cut. I personally feel like Pro Stock is the "easiest" to come up with four but the fifth one is the debate.
My personal four are Warren Johnson, Bob Glidden, Greg Anderson, Grumpy Jenkins with Erica being the 5th choice. WJ with all of his technical innovations in the shop, the wins and championships, the performance barriers he busted and not to mention the fact that the DRCE engines that he helped design are still used in the class to this day. Bob Glidden's record speaks for itself. What he accomplished with his family while proudly carrying the Ford banner was unmatched for a long time. Greg Anderson because his fingerprints have been involved with countless victories and championships for the better part of 40 years as a driver, crew member, crew chief, engine builder, tuner. I've always wanted to ask Lewis Bloom, how many race wins and championships has he had some part in. And Grumpy Jenkins for being the godfather of the class and what he did in the early years behind the wheel and behind the wrenches. Of course with Jenkins there may be consideration for Ronnie Sox as well. As far as Erica goes, when her Pro Stock career is all said and done, she may crack the top four. Outside of Jeg I believe one of the best pure drivers ever in the class. Not to mention the barriers she has busted down by being a woman.
Erica has been an exemplary performer despite the 2024 slump but I don't know that I'd lump her in with the barrier-busting crowd. Try to take that title away from Shirley and she'll be on you like a rat on a Cheeto.