The Little Lizard
Nitro Member
Just thought I would throw this question out, since I don't know the answer?
If Karen Stoffer does not earn enough points to qualify for the top ten for the championship, and now at this time Matt Guidera is no longer in competition but has enough points at the end of Indy to finish in the top ten in points. Will NHRA move Stoffer in to the ten spot or Steve Johnson for that matter if he doesn't qualify to make a full field of ten for the championship?, or will it end up being countdown to 9, and only 9 competing for the Pro Stock M/C crown?

If Karen Stoffer does not earn enough points to qualify for the top ten for the championship, and now at this time Matt Guidera is no longer in competition but has enough points at the end of Indy to finish in the top ten in points. Will NHRA move Stoffer in to the ten spot or Steve Johnson for that matter if he doesn't qualify to make a full field of ten for the championship?, or will it end up being countdown to 9, and only 9 competing for the Pro Stock M/C crown?

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