Pro stock dodges (11 Viewers)

Much simpler, more fair and less controversial to just let the Mopars run DRCE engines. One reason you don't see many mopars even with DRCE engines is the cars themselves. The Challenger is an aero brick and about all they have left is the Avenger which went out of production 10 years ago and wasn't exactly an attractive piece when it was being built.

Somebody mentioned 13K rpm. Never happened; a PS 500 would never withstand or even achieve that kind of RPM and it wouldn't help it anyway. 11,500 was about it and at that, power was starting to fall off. They aren't 1.6 liter F1 engines....;)
I mentioned the 13k,maybe i was not informed correctly,i was told chevys were around 11,500 to 12000 amd dodge was about 13k. Maybe a ps racer or crew can verify this???
I mentioned the 13k,maybe i was not informed correctly,i was told chevys were around 11,500 to 12000 amd dodge was about 13k. Maybe a ps racer or crew can verify this???
This isn’t exactly Dodge related response, but after the completion of the Pomona Finals when it was the last race with Carbs (EFI started the next race at Pomona); I was in Chris McGaha or Jason Lines pit and the two were talking. I walked up and started asking some questions about combos. I asked what RPM Chris runs and he Responded 11500. Jason was like “REALLY” akd so I asked Jason what he runs. He looks at me and says Well it doesn’t matter since out setup will be way different next year. So he says 10500. And Chris Was like “REALLY”. I asked a few other question I can elaborately rate if anyone cares
What rule did they come out with after Darrell Alderman won three championships in a Dodge? What about Allen Johnson's in 2012? Fuel Injection didn't come until 2016.

I'm going to bite my tongue at what the obvious response would be to the first since it was never 'proven'.
That's a period that I still don't know what to believe. On the one hand, I'd like to believe the Wayne County version. For me, the only "defense" for their version is the fact the insurance company investigated the claim and ended up paying a good chunk of change. If you've ever dealt with insurance companies before, you know they never get up off a dime without fully investigating the incident.
But, on the other hand, it is hard to overlook the circumstantial evidence.
I mentioned the 13k,maybe i was not informed correctly,i was told chevys were around 11,500 to 12000 amd dodge was about 13k. Maybe a ps racer or crew can verify this???
From NM, 2015.

I quit watching Pro Stock years ago. PSB too for that matter. There is no variety in the PS class, everyone is either Elite for KB-titan for the most part. It's very vanilla now.
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