How are they different? Holden thought after pumping his brakes they were fine. Krawiec on the other hand, knowingly made passes with a bad master cylinder and ended up in the sand twice. If _____ was to apply the rules evenly then Eddie should have been tossed out.Call me back when you can make an argument without resorting to name calling.
How are they different? Holden thought after pumping his brakes they were fine. Krawiec on the other hand, knowingly made passes with a bad master cylinder and ended up in the sand twice. If _____ was to apply the rules evenly then Eddie should have been tossed out.
Sean, Eddie knew he had a bad master cylinder yet made two passes that ended up with him in the sand. Using Dim's own logic he should have been DQ'd. At least Laris thought his problem was fixed and had the data to prove he had brake pressure when staging, Krawiec couldn't even claim that.
He had a bad master cylinder, even commented about how they knew it was bad on the broadcast after he went into the sand. That admission should have had his ass tossed out.When I did a burn out on a drag bike in the 80's we always used to hold the bike with the front brake, you try to stop a bike past 150 on up with only the back brake, you will have big issues and going down is a real possible problem, don't know what happened to Eddie to have had two failures in a row, if they were the same failure then a reasonable explanation must have been given, I don't believe he would have made another pass just hopping to stop, I've only been 8.70's in the mid 180's never had to try to stop with only back brake thank GOD