Nitro Member
What would everyone think about putting that back as a part of the Lounge again? You could still forbid anything political in signatures, avatars, etc.
I vote no. If we get to vote.
I'm an admitted political junkie. But when it comes to a "politics room" I would vote no. As was said above, there are plenty of places on the net to discuss that stuff. Plain and simple, I enjoy this place precisely because it's about drag racing rather than politics or religion.
I voted no. you don't discuss religion or politics unless you want to fight.
I voted no. you don't discuss religion or politics unless you want to fight. I 'm not here to fight.
to say 'just don't go there then' well, like a moth to a flame, sooner or later we do , because as has been said, the subjects are important.
but I really don't need to know who's a righty and who's a lefty around here.
I need to know who thinks the clowndown is a good thing.
that's enough to piss me off
Gee... I just voted NO....
I ex-Military, believe in Mom, Apple Pie, and the American way... strange from a child of the 60's....
There's also a reason I moved my family from California 23 years ago... but that politics...
I'm a walking Contradiction, partly truth, partly fiction... as the song goes...
What I have with most of you is a Deep Burning Love for the Sport of Drag Racing...
Why ruin that by bringing in what we may or may not see eye-to-eye with as far as the way different parts of the Country think is best for them...
Remember... todays Conserative was concidered a Liberal 40 years ago
For those that want access to the Politics Room. Please give me a pm and I will grant you access. I will update members once a day. The Politics Room will be located in the Lounge. This forum will only be seen by people who want to see it. If you don't pm me, you will never see the Politics Room!