Police raids target 'terror plot' (1 Viewer)

Answer: How do you make a group kowtow to your perverted beliefs ?
Greetings John from Pariah land !
According to one J Kerry.
Gee I wonder if we should cut off all foreign aid and build a wall to keep everyone out now!
Next month the impossible happens and our missile defence system [ Star Wars ] goes on line.
Too bad it don't work on suitcase nukes!
Oldest trick in the book .
Put the fear of death on them by killing in a particularly gruesome method someone who has gone against you.

You guys don't have a lock on those types as we have our share of Wahhabi Mosques here financed by the Saudis.
Till lately we took a dim view of their activity's but of course with PC running rampant they will soon have celebrity status and court precedence to aid in our conversion.
Our first ever all electric Drag race happened and nobody had to wear ear protection!
I wonder if the infamous De Vinci was among the participants ?
No wonder it didn't generate a lot of curiosity or interest .
The Times They Are A Changing!
Hey ! Thats a good title for a song!
So John, what ever happened to the last bunch of govenment sanctioned home invasions in that neighboorhood last year? From what we hear on this side of the pond, there were no substancial arrests to come out that whole thing, and almost all the suspects were released. Is this just more of the same (abuse and persecution of a certain type of people as part of a big government P.R. campaign), or is some real action on the W.O.T. going to come from this? The fact that even the BBC puts "Terror Plot" in quotation marks says that it may just be more of the same ol'...Some local insight would be appreciated..
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John... True that BBC reports that MI5 have had to extend the incarceration time by another 7 days (up from 4 days I think) for those arrested as they are still searching for any evidence that there was even a plot, as reported? What is going on over there??
So John, what ever happened to the last bunch of govenment sanctioned home invasions in that neighboorhood last year? From what we hear on this side of the pond, there were no substancial arrests to come out that whole thing, and almost all the suspects were released. Is this just more of the same (abuse and persecution of a certain type of people as part of a big government P.R. campaign), or is some real action on the W.O.T. going to come from this? The fact that even the BBC puts "Terror Plot" in quotation marks says that it may just be more of the same ol'...Some local insight would be appreciated..

Yes you're correct, all the suspects were released, they did find one of the suspects computers had child porn on it, but the police decided not to prosecute!!
John... True that BBC reports that MI5 have had to extend the incarceration time by another 7 days (up from 4 days I think) for those arrested as they are still searching for any evidence that there was even a plot, as reported? What is going on over there??

You're right, the Police have been given an extra seven days to interview nine men arrested in Birmingham over an alleged plot to kidnap and kill a Muslim soldier. They needed the extension to continue holding the suspects beyond the initial 48-hour period allowed under anti-terror legislation.

The men were arrested under the Terrorism Act on Wednesday over what security sources say was a plan to film a British Muslim soldier being executed and posting it on the web.

Forensic scientists have been continuing searches of 12 raided properties as police officers handed out 5,000 leaflets to local people, in an effort to reassure them.

Birmingham will eventually become the first British city where coloured people outnumber white people.
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