A VERY loud and strong message needs to be sent, and resent to our 'representatives' in Washington. American Governement is one 'of the People, by the People and for the People' of the United States of America.
Our very system of government was fashioned after the 6 Nations (Iroquois) form of government. At the time Europeans first arrived in North America, the Confederacy was based in what is now the northeastern United States and southern Canada, including New England, upstate New York, and Pennsylvania, Ontario, and Quebec, a very large expanse of land. Each nation spoke it's own language, had their own jurisdiction, but came undr the Confederacy. At least once a year, representatives were selected to go to a meeting place to discuss what was going on in their area, decide on laws which protected and benefited all of the Confederacy, brought the concerns, needs, and will of the people to be discussed with the members of the other territories. Starting to sound familiar yet?
It is a good system of government, as long as THE PEOPLE maintain control of what is happening in their 'territory' or 'confederacy'. Once those who are selected to go to that place to meet with others who were selected, begin to be in control, government falls apart. When Special interest groups have more clout on issues, then the millions of people who selected these officials to represent them, it is time for THE PEOPLE to rise up and remind them that they are sent there to represent them, not special interest.
The vast marjority of Americans have become content with being fat, dumb and happy and ignoring what is going on in Washington. When something finally blows, it gets their attention and they complain loudly and endlessly about 'those politicians'... yet remain silent when it comes to voicing their complaints with those very people.
Call me the stupidest person who ever walked the face of this earth if it makes you feel better about not getting involved. That is everyone's choice. I refuse to believe that things cannot be changed by speaking out against what is so very obviously wrong with what is going on with just this one issue of ILLEGAL people demanding the same rights and privileges as American Citizens and people who came to this country for a better life, who respected it, its laws and it's citizens enough to do so legally.
At no time in recent history has it be easier to let your voice be heard in Washington, then it is now. It is MINDLESSLY easy to do so, and I have continued to provide links and website information which will allow anyone to do so. Trust me, the 'pro illegal aliens' are doing that very thing... that is why things are turning out as they are.
If Americans chose to remain, fat dumb & happy, that is of course, their right to do so. However, if those who wish to lift a finger and place it on a keyboard or mouse and chose to fight back, it has never, ever been easier then it is in this day of the internet.
Once again, I will supply some links to groups & organizations with whom anyone can register, check off their interests and level of activity. Based on that, you will receive email alerts as those interests come up. In those alerts, will be requests to email, fax or phone YOUR representatives in Washington, to let them know how YOU feel about the issue. Links to
your representative's email and faxes are provided in the alerts, along with prewritten statements from which you may chose to send to them, if you do not wish to compose your own. Click on 'send' or 'submit' and you're done for crying out loud. Other alerts will be petitions, which will be HAND DELIVERED to the parties concerned.
Or, you may CHOOSE to sit back and do nothing because 'it won't do any good'. If that IS your choice, please at least give thanks every day for the men and women who have died fighting for your right to do nothing but complain.
Sorry if this offends anyone. Think of me what you wish. We are at the crossroads of some major situations facing America, from the threat of Global terrorism, to the further invasion of and legalization of those who have so little respect for this country and our laws that they think that being a 'good person and a hard worker who just wants to make a better life for themselves' makes them exempt from obeying our laws.
These grassroot groups and organizations HAVE accomplished much. SO MUCH, that a couple of Democrats drafted a bill to prevent them from sending out the alerts to their members for them to take action. Thankfully, this is still a country that understands that every citizen has the right to be heard, and this bill was recently turned down. But the special interest groups WILL resurrect it again and again.
America has provided a very good life for the majority of her citizens. I hope and pray that all of those very citizens will understand that we enjoy rights and privileges that few countries enjoy. And the repayment for those rights, will sometimes demand that we GET INVOLVED so that we can keep them.
Your choice.
Here are some sites... I don't want to provide a direct links because I dont' want to have to log out of all of these groups so that you can go into the general home page.
You can google for the home pages and sign up (I receive NO unsolicited email from any of these groups, and in each alert, there is a link to your preferences so that you can change them at any time you wish, add to them, delete some of them, or change your level of activism.
NumbersUSA dot com
minuteman civil defense or minutemen border patrol
GOPUSA (I am not a Republican, but a registered Independant who is decidedly a Conservative, so the GOP website represents a many of my interests)
American Family Association.
My Notes is down at the present time, so I cannot check for more groups. Once my email is back up, I will post more
If I did not see progress on the issues I have selected in my resgistration, I would not waste my times with any of these groups. "I'm just one person" just doesn't hold up ... because there are thousands of other people saying the same damned thing. When all of those people join TOGETHER, things happen, and stuff changes. But you have to
get involved.
Remember, you can decide to let your voice be heard, or be defeated without even trying. It's your choice. Thankfully, our forefathers chose to act.
End of rant..... (for now)