Ouch... (1 Viewer)

Ouch indeed. I got hit in the head by a softball once (Explains much) and that really stung. I can't imagine getting beaned in the jaw by a hardball.
First day of practice when my grandpa was coach went like this:

Everybody line up against the fence with no glove, and then he'd throw a baseball as hard as he could at you. Then, he'd say "See, it dont hurt as bad as you think." We werent a team of wussy's for sure!
When they pitch my kid inside I am ALWAYS the first to yell "IT'LL ONLY HURT FOR A MINUTE! TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM!" Ah-hem, if he were a better batter I would't have to give him SH!T. I just never know if he's gonna get on base at all! :p ;)
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