No Good Deed Goes Unpunished (2 Viewers)

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Man that sucks, At least the NHRA did what they could for the guys thats nice to hear. I wonder what pro teams complained?
Glad thats out there

I talked to Jack this morning and he was disapointed that they cant go ....but he realy apreciated what the NHRA tried to do for him and Creasy...

Ken.. not sure if we will ever know who complained.... it might show who's for the sport and whos for wonder how they would have reacted if the shoe was on their foot....

it does show that the NHRA is aware of whats going on and was willing to bend their own rules to allow the fan to get what they paid for and deserved.... kudos...

Two brothers on small budgets would come to mind first.
Bodies & motors are cheap and we all know how their carnage has been lately.
Good luck to the teams who complained. Sure hope you never ever need help or parts or sponsor referrals or...

....wait...wait a minute, what is that I hear off in the distance? chh choo choo... oh yeah it's the Karma Train.

Peanut and Jack, print the shirts and reserve 2 XL's for me please.

I see a big entry field at a race or two coming down the tracks.

And a tip of the hat to Graham for doing what he did as best he could.

So why weren't the phones answered on a Monday at HQ? Especially when you have the deadline deal? I'd produce the phone records of trying to call and just show the hell up.
Two brothers on small budgets would come to mind first.
Bodies & motors are cheap and we all know how their carnage has been lately.

That's exactly who I was thinking of. I think NHRA should change that rule to the Wed. before a Natl. event! I'm thinking that will be in the works.
That's the dumbest thing I have ever seen. If you have some nitro funny cars that want to come race, let them race. I'm sure the fans would appreciate more then just 16 cars.

The teams that put up the stink, shame on you! Dale and Jack are both cars that could run 4.30-4.25 and be players on a warm track. If you are that worried about not running as good as them, maybe you should stay home and let them race.

I have to agree with above, probably the Pedregons.
I love how everyone is so quick to toss the Pedregon's under the bus for something that has not been confirmed.:rolleyes:

I think it is BS that the NHRA will not let them race, now they are saying there will only be 15 FC's in Topeka because Creasy Sr. backed out. If they show up in time to be parked with everyone else, let them race.
I find it ridiculous that nobody could be reached at NHRA. WTF? :confused:

My guess is that with all the recent staff cutts most were on their way to Topeka.....

Dale and Jack both will be there.. but they are working with the Greek this weekend.. so.. if your there stop by and say hello....

Jack is working on being a Chicago but needs a little suport to get there.. someone open up your

on a side note both teams are reay to go.... they lost out on some funds with two match races canceled on them... Tulsa and San Antonio... so not to sure what might help them get to an event....

That's the dumbest thing I have ever seen. If you have some nitro funny cars that want to come race, let them race. I'm sure the fans would appreciate more then just 16 cars.



it seems that in some other arenas in motorsports as well as in the NHRA (thinking indy car here) that qualifying is less and less nail-biting and a lot more the usual suspects.
2 sides to this story.

a) like most, always want to see as many competitors as possible
try to qualify for 16 car field; it reflects positively on nhra and it's ability
to produce a weekend with maximum cars, further enhancing the sanctioning
body and it's ability to provide maximum entertainment value for it's
fans and sponsors.........forward thinking towards future.

b) rules are rules as they are written - teams commit to fulfill their obligation
to compete within a given year at nhra's events; some well funded and
some not so well funded, arguably doing whatever it takes to
be present at every event in the series; or possibly not racing the entire
series but very cognizant of the rules regarding their participation.

why should 'racer x' get a pass at the last minute because 'another race'
didn't pan out and he/she expects to suddenly have a rule bent in their
favor at the last minute to make a seldom appearance in nhra and race for
qualifying money against others making a far larger commitment to race the
entire nhra series or a good portion of it?

the earlier guesses at what team/s complained IMO are inconclusive.
there are many well known teams that within a year find themselves
at bottom of qualifying sheet; IMO they are only protecting the investment
they and/or their sponsors have made to race the nhra series.

nhra apparently decided to go 4-wide @ concord without consulting the
racers (who were shown in print to have disagreed with this decision).
this decision arguably did not have a bearing on who would qualify and/or
win a given amount of money on that particular weekend.

this decision does have a bearing on who plays and for how much.
in this case have to side with the team/s who complained.
they have persevered and/or shown the resiliency to race nhra and it is no
surprise they are in tune with the current rules.
I'm glad this was shared. It was nice to see Light trying to do the right thing. Its a shame two other teams are afraid of competition.

Ideally this rule gets changed VERY quickly.
2 sides to this story.

a) like most, always want to see as many competitors as possible
try to qualify for 16 car field; it reflects positively on nhra and it's ability
to produce a weekend with maximum cars, further enhancing the sanctioning
body and it's ability to provide maximum entertainment value for it's
fans and sponsors.........forward thinking towards future.

b) rules are rules as they are written - teams commit to fulfill their obligation
to compete within a given year at nhra's events; some well funded and
some not so well funded, arguably doing whatever it takes to
be present at every event in the series; or possibly not racing the entire
series but very cognizant of the rules regarding their participation.

why should 'racer x' get a pass at the last minute because 'another race'
didn't pan out and he/she expects to suddenly have a rule bent in their
favor at the last minute to make a seldom appearance in nhra and race for
qualifying money against others making a far larger commitment to race the
entire nhra series or a good portion of it?

the earlier guesses at what team/s complained IMO are inconclusive.
there are many well known teams that within a year find themselves
at bottom of qualifying sheet; IMO they are only protecting the investment
they and/or their sponsors have made to race the nhra series.

nhra apparently decided to go 4-wide @ concord without consulting the
racers (who were shown in print to have disagreed with this decision).
this decision arguably did not have a bearing on who would qualify and/or
win a given amount of money on that particular weekend.

this decision does have a bearing on who plays and for how much.
in this case have to side with the team/s who complained.
they have persevered and/or shown the resiliency to race nhra and it is no
surprise they are in tune with the current rules.

I totally agree with you.
Why are so many people applauding G.L. for trying to break a rule? I have nothing against the racers. I like all of them. I wish they could race but the fact is they missed the deadline. Stuff just happens that way sometimes. Hope to see them at future NHRA events. The more the merrier.
I don't think anyone is trying to blame anyone even in the article the racers say that nobody was to blame they missed the deadline and thats just the way it is. I thought the article was more to show that Graham Light tried all he could but couldn't change the rule. I didn't think anyone was trying to fault anyone.
I don't think anyone is trying to blame anyone even in the article the racers say that nobody was to blame they missed the deadline and thats just the way it is. I thought the article was more to show that Graham Light tried all he could but couldn't change the rule. I didn't think anyone was trying to fault anyone.

Exactly William...

Guys i just got off the phone with Jack in Topeka.... he said this is getting blown WAY out of porportion.... He asked me to pass along that no one was looking for a favor because they had a last min canelation of an match race... the weekend opened up for him to try and race and he tried to enter but missed the dead line... plain and simple... the rule is the rule and he under stood... no problem over and done with.... its on to working toward going to Chicago or Bristol...

Exactly William...

Guys i just got off the phone with Jack in Topeka.... he said this is getting blown WAY out of porportion.... He asked me to pass along that no one was looking for a favor because they had a last min canelation of an match race... the weekend opened up for him to try and race and he tried to enter but missed the dead line... plain and simple... the rule is the rule and he under stood... no problem over and done with.... its on to working toward going to Chicago or Bristol...

Mr. Weeks, who gave you permission to contaminate this thread with Facts! Who is Jack Wyatt again??? :p
OK. Here is another slant. This is a chance for NHRA management to be proactive (sort of). The economy is bad and car counts are down. (Please Joe don't get riled :)). Change the rule to allow late entries. Make them pay a penalty or a higher rate "at the door". It may make parking a little more challenging or some other issues but these are challenging times!
[roll tape, this will be a first....]
Thank you Mr. Light for making an intelligent decision regarding their entry. If those two leakers had a problem, tell it to the hand or go run an AHRA race.
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