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Nitro Jams and Prostalgia Nitro Funny Car

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They love their drag racing down there in Baton Rouge. Always had a great time there at the old Cajun's and also the Super Chevy shows. Cold beer, great seafood, crawfish, and crazy Cajuns----what a heck of a deal. Those folks invented having a good time.:D
...Mark Sanders and crew blew a bunch of **** up, and thrashed like Charlie Sheen on the good stuff to get their junk back together for the next round, to the point of drafting crowd help! (How's THAT for nostalgia!)


Better watch what you say, some people dont like it when someone says Sanders leaves s*** on the track! :):)
I have been taken to task privately about my view of judging events only by what is seen on line. When this is the case, the only thing you have is numbers, you miss everything else that makes these events special as outlined by some of the other posts. This is fine if it is the only way to be informed, but how can you assess and make negative comments about the event, the participants, or the promoter without being there?

My statements about tainted journalism when the writer has a bias is graphically shown by this statement pointed out to me yesterday on another site (I don't feel this site is worth the time to read either):

"Note to IHRA Pro racers and fans: In case you still don’t get it, I’ll make it as plain as I can. The Feld Entertainment Nitro Jam event should not ever be compared to any legitimate drag racing series. All of the racers that come are booked in and guaranteed a payday. Nobody goes home because they don’t qualify or their car ran like a donkey! The racers at Nitro Jams aren’t paid to race; they are paid to entertain fans buying a $30 ticket."

Under this guideline for condeming the Nitro Jams, Pro Stock and the alcohol classes at the Winternationals were not legitimate (all cars got paid), none of the events (and I use the term loosely) ever promoted by this site would be considered legitimate (if ever an event with constant changing of the rules, some teams getting to run items others can't, qualifying ladder shenanigans, and minimal payouts legitimate), or any event with just enough cars or with short fields are legitimate. This "writer" doesn't know the payout structure at Nitro Jams, doesn't understand the concept of what makes a race or how a winner of a race is determined. I think you get the drift of who I think is the "donkey" with this type of "journalism".

I use the quotes to show my tone for Dean.

To me, anyone who buys a ticket, at any price, to see anything is expecting to be entertained. If speed contests with cars wasn't entertaining, then I doubt many would watch, even if it was free.
I agree about the Donkey you are talking about. And with his statement he not only discredits all the IHRA racers, he discredited ALL the wins that take place at the World Series of Drag Racing besides the last couple years of DRO AAFC.
I agree about the Donkey you are talking about. And with his statement he not only discredits all the IHRA racers, he discredited ALL the wins that take place at the World Series of Drag Racing besides the last couple years of DRO AAFC.

Not to mention countless Hall of Fame racers from the 60s and 70s. Those guys NEVER went anywhere without being paid
If it wasn't for the fact that Gallen, Nichols and recently McIntire, and the few races for Sanders, Romine, and your involvement at a couple of those events, I don't think the IHRA would be happy. If all the performances were like the other couple cars then the IHRA would be saying, "see ya later....." even if it is a booked in deal.

All I did Virgil was state how the car ran on the 14 runs I know you were involved in as your son was the driver. That is not bad reporting that is reporting the runs at posted through DRC. What you did was not tell the entire truth on the dominating performance you posted when you went 13-5 and had less than half the runs quicker then 6.30.
The definition of journalism "The style of writing characteristic of material in newspapers and magazines, consisting of direct presentation of facts or occurrences with little attempt at analysis or interpretation".
That is what I did when I posted your numbers.

You stated how dominant you were and I stated the actual numbers of your domination. Were you in fact entertaining the fans on the 8 slow or no runs? On a couple you shook and pedalled and that can be entertaining.

Because I was a fan first I have difficulting at times not writing my opinions, I give you that, so that is more of an editorial than journalism, I plead guilty!

Drag racing is a passionate sport, it affected your senses, and my writing describes the senses and feelings I think.

I like the IHRA, have always liked them, but I liked them more when Pro Stock, Pro Mod, Nitro Funny Car and TAFC was contested in an open show. I still like it now though because they still basically entertain.
If I didn't like the deal I would not spend money resources to cover their events
I think the cars should be paid based on their performance though.

The IHRA makes a deal about who the winners are with the new format but that is only because there is no other way to report it. Why they do the points I don't know, because you get no cash at the end of the year, you get the #1 and a bigger Ironman is all.

Yes all the TA and Pro Stock competitors got paid at Pomona. I think all pro racers and TA racers even if 20-30 show up for a national event should be paid. But that does not mean IMHO that it does not make it legit. The ones who don't qualify only get 10 points for attending or passing tech, and there is a pretty good prize at the end of the year. They race in an elimination bracket and they have to qualify.

There were quite a few events last year that TF and FC had only 16 cars, were they less than legit? I know you don't feel that way and I know you were just making your point. But, I don't think I report the same way that DRO does either.

My overall point is that the teams get paid pretty decent for racing in the IHRA, they should take pride in running their asses off and should not take advantage of the deal they have. The IHRA is smart and will make changes if they aren't getting their moneys worth. Change was made to the Pro Fuel class and the Top Fuel class already after one season.
If a few of the teams are walking away from an event happy with runs that were not representative of the class then they should make sure they improve the next event, if they don't improve then they should be replaced, because their are a lot of teams that will run better for the money the IHRA is paying.

You were only singled out in my initial post because of what you posted Virgil. was I wrong to do that? I talked to many people and all said my replies were not out of line.
I think you know you did not have a great showing at two of the events. You even said your 5's were only a soft tune up at your best event.

Mike yes the legends back in the 60 and 70 got paid everywhere they went, funny how times have changed, and some still race for the love of it.

The NFC class’s evolvement has proven to be a boon for drag racing as has Pro Mod and Pro street style racing, what I am sad about is that they have come at the expense of the two of the quickest classes in drag racing.

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Well I have to jump in here. I posted after Edmonton last year how much fun the format was and I am an NHRA traditionalist. Virgil, you reported after the next couple events how you enjoyed the format too. Lots of folks jumped in who were pleasantly reporting the same. It was new and in my opinion racing.

Dean, you attended Edmonton last year. It was a great race in my opinion. Some awesome passes on both Saturday night and Sunday.

Everyone tried to be fastest and it was a thrash to make the second run......pistons out etc. Not easy at all.......

Anyone who thinks it isn't racing can come and take a run at Hodgson's car, Sanders, Beauchimen (sic) and a host of other great cars......bring your best shot and see how it fairs.....maybe not all races are that good.
The fans went nuts too!!! It is different but if you want the ironman you have to run hard especially against the regular tour guys!

See you all in Bakersfield.....
Was I wrong to do that? I talked to many people and all said my replies were not out of line. Dean

Dean, you should have called me. I would have been honest with you about your comment.

I am a big fan of drag racing, and NFC in particular. I just don't see what the negative brings to the table.

Virgil is a friend of mine, as are a lot of the guys who race in the IHRA funnycar class. Virgil made a post that was positive for the cars, events, and fans in general. I don't see where it required correction or a dissertation. JMO

Dean, I didn't post this to argue over it. I was responding to your rhetorical question,,,"should you have posted it." :D

Dean - please go over my posts again, and this time read the whole sentences. I noted that using the biased reporters definition, most events are not legitimate. His definition, not my opinion. Agree or disagree with me, doesn't matter, but please at least don't change the meaning of what I posted to suit your positions.

I did not say anything that is not truthful. I stated our record to show that even "leakers" go to the Feld events to win, and that we did a good job of winning without leaving deposits on the track (only once). I didn't state our performance levels, or what I had for dinner, or how I got to the events, because it wasn't relevant to the point I was trying to express.

I don't care if you, or anyone for that matter that did not attend the event in person, approve of the way we won or not. That is my "achilles heel", people that condemn things that they were not a part of in person.

I am content being a "doer", satisfied with what I have accomplished, and will always strive to do what is best for me and mine at all times considering all the circumstances at the time of the event. Knowing that what we do draws spectators, we accept the accolades from many and the "pot shots from the peanut gallery" that go along with it.

To reiterate my original post - My opinion is that the Feld events are good for the racers and spectators, there is competition on every run starting from the very first run , I have enjoyed being a minor player in the PNFC part of them,
and that it is ridiculous for individuals that do not attend the events to be so critical in print and call it journalism.
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We (War Eagle Racing) have attended only one IHRA race and that was at Salt Lake City and we ran all four runs to make it to the finish line before the other car. Not saying we did but we tried.
Personally our whole team enjoyed the format and look forward to running IHRA at Tucson. I like the fact that if you don't win Friday night you get a second chance on Sat. JMHO
We (War Eagle Racing) have attended only one IHRA race and that was at Salt Lake City and we ran all four runs to make it to the finish line before the other car. Not saying we did but we tried.
Personally our whole team enjoyed the format and look forward to running IHRA at Tucson. I like the fact that if you don't win Friday night you get a second chance on Sat. JMHO

I heard a rumor that James Day will be subbing for Pulde at Tuscon.....True?
John K. and the entire War Eagle team did great job this weekend in Tucson.
James did great job of driving Tucson has been known to have narrow grove.

IHRA Nitro Jam Rocked AZ.

Biggest Crowd in SIR history. As we were towing up for first round of AA/FA SAT Night there still was like 100 to 150 people in line for tickets.
This was after the Uof A lost by two to Uconn so great crowd all was completed both nights by 10 pm.
All of the drives stuck around and signed lots of hero cards and t-shirts.
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