NHRA To Make Changes To Points Procedure After Indy (1 Viewer)

Like it wasn't obvious before, but the NHRA is officially a joke. :rolleyes:
It's almost as if they (NHRA) have a weekly meeting scheduled with the agenda always carrying the title, "How can we make this sport more confusing for everyone involved, and piss them ALL off at the same time?"

Absolutely unbelievable. But I'm sure the announcer will be here soon to tell us why this is such a great idea. Can't wait...
Why in the world would you change the points mid year? If you are going to make a change like this, doing it in the off season makes the most sense. I supported the NHRA with the Countdown idea, but between this and the Force ruling of the testing rule I am beginning to lose faith in the organization. Hopefully Larry Morgan is selling his famous I can't fix stupid T-shirts this weekend, I think I will be buying one tomorrow.

all rights reserved Larry Morgan and anyone else with common sense who may have said that at one time or another.
I'm starting to wonder if they've some how taken an insurance policy out on the organization that would pay each exec if the NHRA fails.

It's almost as if they want it to be over for some reason. Ummmm?

And thinking about this some more...they rescinded the oil down rule, correct? So now, a clowndown car that is qualified out of the top three from the previous session is going to throw the kitchen sink at it. Towards the end of the season, parts supply getting depleted, along with their budgets, and crew guys used up. So let's see how much debris we can get these guys to throw on the race track.

Hope they've got extra t-shirts and CO2 bottles for the launchers cuz they're gonna need 'em! Saturdays could turn into a marathon.
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You have GOT to be kidding...

Some of you may feel that the old days were clean and pure...

They weren't.

But this is sooooo in your face. It's a joke.
It's almost as if they (NHRA) have a weekly meeting scheduled with the agenda always carrying the title, "How can we make this sport more confusing for everyone involved, and piss them ALL off at the same time?"

Absolutely unbelievable. But I'm sure the announcer will be here soon to tell us why this is such a great idea. Can't wait...

Sweeney, Man, ain't that the truth.
My guess is that they are trying to get some of the racers to quit sitting out some of the qualifying sessions.
They have screwed things up so much that instead of doing away with the countdown and the convaluted qualifying system that they have put in place they just want to screw things up some more.
does that mean they are writing off a return to 1320 as well? i wish i could change the rules in the middle of a game too...
Continued INSANITY!

On a 'nuther, similar, subject.

Will limiting the temperature of fuel cause ANY changes in ANYTHING?

Let's use TAD/TAFC, for example. Don't ya think that Manzo, Reichert (SP?), Whitely (SP? again), et al, will STILL dominate no matter what fuel temperature is mandated?

They can't stifle talent OR money resources.

LET 'EM RACE. put folks A##es in the stands!

Don't get like F1.
I think the more worrisome mention was the rumbling that NHRA might recognize 1000' records, which means 1320' is not going to be returning anytime soon. :( :mad:
One car owner stated the NHRA is looking to build more excitement into the final six events of the year with the possibility of having three, four or more teams vying for the championship, in each class, in Pomona come November.

I hope one team just goes on a rampage (coughDSRcoughARMYcough) and makes a complete mockery of this new stupid rule!
For some reason I feel stunned, but I know I shouldn't be. Based on the all of the other brilliant displays we have seen from this sacntioning body, I doubt anything would surprise me now.

When Jon Asher published his most recent column, he mentioned the notion of Nascar screwing with the points system to make sure Dale Earnhardt Jr. makes the chase. Jon must have given NHRA an idea because I find it ironic how soon after Asher's column came out, they come up with this bullsh*t. It does surprise me though that apparently somebody at NHRA does know how to read. I'm not saying they are doing this to get somebody into the countdown. God only knows their reasoning.

So what the hell, let's make Drag Racing more confusing. This points crap now really makes no sense, the goofy qualifying 12 spots hold until tomorrow thing, I still don't know what a good 1000' time is, and Lord knows what else I don't care to remember anymore. This sport is truly DOOMED!!!

You can always count on Competition Plus for the latest stories and news about Drag Racing and NHRA. The other day, I saw another story on Competition Plus that I'm surprised I haven't heard more opinions about. Maybe you saw it: Drag Racing Internet Magazine - Competition Plus.com - DRAG RACING AND DRUG TESTING . I can think of a few folks that should be on the top of the list for the test. Whoever is in charge at NHRA should be tested on LIVE TV. Maybe this is the reason for the insanity.

Somebody help us!!!

Two things...
This would Not be necessary if they dumped the 'only the top 12 passes count and the rest get thrown out' rule...

number 1 qualifier already gets more points than number 2, ect...

dump the whole chase for the cup, copycat, look what NASCAR is doing mentality... screw the fake drama... faked drama can't hold a candle to the real drama of 2005...

Admit it's just a show,
Just book in 16 cars, pay them for 8 passes... yeah, two Friday, Three Saturday, and Three Sunday...

but, either way, I'm finding another way to waste 24 weekends next year... funny how you can take something the worked pretty damn good for close to fifty years, then turn it into a joke in three, by trying to make it more exciting.

It like going down what looks like a promising road with a tune up, then getting so lost, you can't get back to your baseline when it doesn't pan out.

I'm over it

I have never been one critical of the Countdown playoff format. But if this is true, then I'll be the first one to step forward to say that it's outrageous. Any sport that wants to be taken seriously simply does not change the rules in the middle of the game.This is akin to the NFL suddenly deciding to award 3 points for a PAT the week before the playoffs. What a pathetic joke.
I can only say "Why are we surprised?"
This will punish the lesser funded teams that make the show on the first pass but can't afford to risk the loss of a bullet on the rest of the qualifying passes when they are already solidly in the show (or one of the only 16 that shows up.)

Another issue is the one lane race tracks (which happens quite often) where everybody blows the tires off because of poor prep, bumps at the transition or cleanup issues during qualifying. You're doomed when it's your turn in the bad lane because you have to now "shoot for the moon" due to the points you'll get or possibly lose to another.

After the Pro Stock Truck debacle, I learned these clowns will do just about anything believing their all-powerful positions are secure without consequence. They may be correct for the NHRA but not for the upcoming sanctioning body that considers the input of the membership where leadership is actually needing to produce fruits to keep their jobs at the top. These guys could decide to run the cars in reverse without consequence. Whoops, I guess I gave them another idea that might actually be implemented to sell tickets.

You can't fix stupid (as hasn't been said enough.) IMHO
I think the more worrisome mention was the rumbling that NHRA might recognize 1000' records, which means 1320' is not going to be returning anytime soon. :( :mad:

I thought the same thing, the championship is already watered down so that part of it really didn't make much difference to me, but 1000 feet has really had an adverse effect on my interest in racing. The only hope is that they split the schedule and run 1320 at some tracks and 1000 at the ones that are considered too short.
The new rule sounds stupid. Implementing it mid-season is an absolute joke. And, I don't think from day 1 of going to 1,000' that they ever had any intention of returning to 1,320'. They just don't want to come right out and say it.
I don't mind the qualifying points deal. It probably should have been held to Pomona1 2010 though. Changing the points procedure isn't a good idea when we could look back after Pomona2 and say driver X beat driver Y by 15 points based on the 25 points he/she earned after the NHRA's new announcement in Sept.

You start the season and play by the rules set. Unless there is a safety issue.

*From NCAA: College Football teams will now be awarded 3 points for every game a QB attempts 40 passes or more.

Advantage: Texas Tech. Disadvantage: Navy.

Bad analogy but someone always benefits from a rule change.

Of course this was typed pregame at Charlottesville, Virginia!!!
Do it, but make them retroactive for the entire season... see how that changes the points for the season... then realize what a misconceived idea this really is.


Listening to the Audiocast and not finding Bob's digs at all the other leagues funny in the least... it comes across petty and childish... also noticed Tom Compton is not a comfortable public speaker...
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