China is I think where they get there nitro from but I think china shutdown alot of there industrial plants while the olympic are on to be nice and clean green , and that is why there is the so called shortage . Well thats what they say anyway.
I heard this in a conversation with a die hard big tire racer from Louisiana.
Psst I have a friend who has 6 drums of " NITRO " in his garage !
I'm not joking either .
Who would have thought !
And no I won't say who it is, it already has a buyer ! LOL
Saw a shot of Chinas largest city and the reporter looking at the smog so thick you could hardly see the buildings, he said Uh they may have started a little late to try to clean up their air so the Athletes can breathe.
Sounds to me like the NHRA is simply trying to insure that there's enough nitro to get them through the 2008 schedule. They've already done away with the oildown fines to make things easier on the teams in tough economic times. Call me naive, but does anyone actually believe that they are now going to turn around and pick the pockets of the top fuel teams by charging them outrageous prices for the nitro?
My question is how the NHRA can get two containers from China and VP can't?
Paul Weiss
Who has a better interest in making sure there is enough nitro and distributor or the sanctioning body that needs it to survive? Perhaps it may not be a bad idea if NHRA did sell it. The big question would be how much would they charge? If they do it for a fair price, making it cheaper for the racers and turn a small profit that ideally goes back into the sport then it may be something to look into.
Who has a better interest in making sure there is enough nitro and distributor or the sanctioning body that needs it to survive? Perhaps it may not be a bad idea if NHRA did sell it. The big question would be how much would they charge? If they do it for a fair price, making it cheaper for the racers and turn a small profit that ideally goes back into the sport then it may be something to look into.
I thought that was covered last month, something about not paying the bills or something like that!The IHRA is selling nitro to the racers, so I'm not surprised that NHRA will do also. However, VP paid big bucks to be the ONLY supplier at the NHRA.
Will NHRA break the contract? My question is how the NHRA can get two containers from China and VP can't?
Paul Weiss
THERE IS NO NITRO SHORTAGE....(comp plus.-Jim O, et al)
Tom & Graham do nothing out of the goodness of thier hearts.
(the pathetic purse icrease should be proof enough!)
Those *******s will try and milk this deal UNLESS public outcry is heard.
NHRA in the parts business not good...what next a crankshaft official supplier...then a shortage...then NHRA selling cranks etc....PLEASE!!!!
Kevin, is it possible you took two of the red ones this morning instead of three blue ones?